[COMP] AP’s - CQC Challenge

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Event Information (view in calendar)

Starts: Sat Nov 18, 2017 8:00 am
Ends: Sat Nov 18, 2017 4:00 pm
Duration:0 Days, 8 Hours, 0 Minutes

Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Airsoft Pacific » Wed Nov 15, 2017 10:30 pm

Thanks everyone for signing up! We are putting the final touches on the props getting ready for Saturday!!!

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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Airsoft Pacific » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:14 am

A HUGE Thank You to everyone that took the time to prepay, this helps us plan and streamline!
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Blue » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:27 am

I'll pay 20 bucks for the opfor for the most team kills.
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Cruz FoxHound » Thu Nov 16, 2017 1:02 pm

Weather forecast for this weekend looks good!

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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Shortbu » Thu Nov 16, 2017 11:32 pm

Blue wrote:I'll pay 20 bucks for the opfor for the most team kills.

I'll take that $20. I'm just that messed up... :D
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Airsoft Pacific » Wed Nov 22, 2017 5:49 pm

Hey fellow AP CQC Participants, it’s time for that After Action Report (AAR) we spoke about. The site is stable, so let do this, it’s simple. We want to hear about things that you liked “SUSTAIN” and things that need improvement or changing “IMPROVE”.

Anyone who was at the event regardless of your role is welcome to provide feedback.

Basic Rules:
1. Be honest

2. Everyone has an opinion, if you disagree, post the opposite, don’t “quote” and trash the other player’s opinion. Just post the opposite (example: SUSTAIN: I like the kick down doors. [well you didn’t] so just post under your IMPRROVE: Kick down doors sucked)

3. If someone has stated something you agree with, feel free to repeat it under the appropriate heading (IMPROVE or SUSTAIN) that helps us measure how many felt the same way.

Your Feedback is very Valuable, AP is trying to bring back the lost style of CQC to the Airsoft / MilSim community.

AP will kick it off with a few of our notes, not all apply to the game play. Please feel free to share your feedback and ideas, even if it doesn’t fit into the IMPROVE / SUSTAIN format.

-Challenging and changing scenarios
-Good use of props, space and continue to introduce new props
-Good planning
-Consistent OPFOR
-Discounts for Prepays

-Camera people and RSO need to work on staying out of the way
-Quicker reset time between scenarios
-More consistence scenario briefings
-Player’s handbook out sooner
-Everyone needs to sign a waiver, regardless

We are looking forward to your feedback,
See you on the field!!!
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Solid » Wed Nov 22, 2017 8:50 pm

Improve: tripwire mine placement. Not to say they weren't great fun as an element to the game, but it was disorienting that the mines were in the same room as the baddies. It just never made sense in my mind as far as putting armed explosives in rooms that you are in all the time. IMO when that would go off IRL it would mess everyone up in the room and not just the breaching team. When we were running through we ran into like, every one and by the end it the cool factor started to wear off and it was more of like "why is this here and not somewhere like in between buildings or in empty rooms." It put you in a lose-lose situation of either sticking your head in a door to get shot to disarm the thing, or storming the room trying NOT to get shot and hit them while tripping your first guy over the mine.
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Shortbu » Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:00 am

Event side:
•Better door innovation
•Sticking to tight timelines. Knowing this was the hosts first event of this type, they did really well regarding, but with time and repetition, this should, and I expect it will improve.
•strategic placement and planning for photographers. We're all in close proximity, and "free run" gets cluttered.
•high vis for all not in action. I accidentally shot the medic twice,and a camera man once (sorry JD, Tyler, and Adam!) and saw camera men get pointed at and nearly shot. The goal is to keep the action and bb's flinging between participants, and opfor, and the focus to be OFF medics, admin, and photographers.

•The format. I really liked the format, and points system, especially for the first time running this type of event.
•price point. Very reasonable. With the field costs, and props, it showed this game was not about turning a profit, it was about giving the community what it's wanted, and been lacking.
•photographers: it was awesome having multiple photographers and the drone footage. Everybody likes pics, and there were a plenty!
•handling of OpFor: having experienced guys as OpFor, and giving them guidelines, but still leeway to not only make sure the insurgents were challenged and had fun, but also so the OpFor had fun, isn't an easy task.
•use of perishables: issuing ammo, sound grenades, and smoke made an even playing field, and not a simple "whoever shows with the most shit wins" bs game. The amount of issued items made it a challenge for the squads, and OpFor to use properly.

For players:
•There were teams that you could tell have worked the together, and teams who haven't. A little practice goes a long way. While it's goth in today's busy times to get together, showing up a little early, and a quick work through would have helped immensely.
•just as the teams, there were players who had obviously never done any CQC training. Look up things online a little bit. Do a little practice at home on the basics before getting to the event. Or even better, get a little training, like the class that Rentax is doing at OAA (details in the AP events page). He's been playing A LONG time, been trained, and knows his shit. GREAT guy to learn from!
•REAR SECURITY: in a four man team, once you breach the first room, your back guy HAS to HAVE YOUR BACK! So many scenarios in which entire teams could've been wiped out by a roaming OpFor.
•non combatants: several times the "drunk guy" was dismissed, and not "secured". That's a foolhardy way to allow a sneaky OpFor guy wipe y'all out from behind.

•EVERYBODY had good attitudes, and a willingness to Not only have fun, but learn. (yes having fun sometimes takes a willingness) It was very encouraging to see!
•From what I witnessed, everybody was prepared. Being in a team based scenario, and not being prepared, is...well...shitty. Good job on having your shit together.
•As the day went on, the team play, and tactics got tighter. Things got way less sloppy, and I could see people seeing the value in actual tactics, and communication. Something that seems to be lost on a lot of players, and game scenarios.
•target recognition: y'all did a great job not blasting the "non-combatants".

In summation, PF did a great job, the teams did a great job, and OpFor did a great job! I had an absolute blast with not only my Specdet brothers, but old friends, and meeting new peeps. Thank you Dennis for having me as OpFor, and definitely looking forward to the next one!
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Chainmail » Thu Nov 23, 2017 10:14 am

Shortbu wrote:•target recognition: y'all did a great job not blasting the "non-combatants".

Except for that one team that flashbanged him, that wasn't very nice.
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Airsoft Pacific » Thu Nov 23, 2017 2:23 pm

Great feedback so far and exactly what we need. :-D I know it takes time, but will benefit everyone.
Please keep the AAR's coming, this will help the next event even be better!

!!! Happy Turkey Day !!!
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Shortbu » Thu Nov 23, 2017 5:17 pm

Chainmail wrote:
Shortbu wrote:•target recognition: y'all did a great job not blasting the "non-combatants".

Except for that one team that flashbanged him, that wasn't very nice.

But, flashbangs are a distraction device, and usually thrown with blindly into a room. Throwing one into a room to distract and acquire target ID was a good move. "Nice" is irrelevant.
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Junto » Fri Nov 24, 2017 5:08 pm

First off, I'd like to thank the hosts and other staff/opfor on behalf of DRAT. We had a great time and are looking forward to future events. For a first foray into this sort of scenario play, this was very well organized from concept to execution. The adaptations made on the field throughout the day allowed for some on-the-spot honing, like determining if windows were in play and tinkering with OPFOR aggressiveness. Every scenario felt manageable with the team size and number of heals available (Even if pretty much everyone got wiped on scenario 2). Which leads me to the next point.

This was challenging, but not daunting. I could easily see new players developing an interest in this sort of play again. With Rentax's upcoming training event and more of these competitions on the docket, you could see more indoor-only teams mix more with the outdoor community, etc. A little friendly competition, with this sort of accessibility, should help foster the community.


-Medic was very communicative, kept me apprised of how many heals we had left. Helped in combat, but wouldn't do your job for you.

-Basic obstacles such as doors, containers, and the tarped and beaded doorways did a lot to create a dynamic environment.

-Game props/obstacles such as bombs and electric fences tested practical skills in an approachable manner, while still involving crucial time use and decision-making.

-Experienced OPFOR who were committed to their roles and forced teams to remember things like windows and rear security.

-Event promoters committed to media production, which always adds to cool-factor.

-Good details and maps available in the briefing/planning phase. Enough information to make informed decisions, without giving away too much.

-Ammo limit adds a lot to the experience. I never needed more than one magazine per scenario, but it kept me mindful of how much shooting I was doing. Encouraging loading to real capacity and discouraging high-cap use also added to the experience.

-Straightforward handbook with clear instructions. I was never once confused on the rules of the scenario.


-Solid's comment about the mines. Heard this from a few guys on the team as well.The claymore placement was always pretty sensible, but the tripwires may have been better off in the alleyways, etc.

-Higher-visibility and better placement of media crew, as has been mentioned.

-Rules for handling VIPs and non-combatants. Older events had rules for "securing" non-combatants, either by saying "Secured" and grasping them at the wrist, or by using some sort of safe tie to act like a zip-cuff before moving them out of the AO to an extraction or casualty collection point. It adds a little to the risk and immersion of interacting with a seemingly non-hostile actor in the scenario.

-OPFOR could use a standard casualty collection point/otherwise move off of the playfield after they've been cleared and the team has moved past their "dead" bodies. I have a few already-dead OPFOR getting shot again on some of our event footage because they were still pretty close to the play area. Personally, I think we shot those guys enough. :)

-A little more warning before the next event. We were lucky to pull 7 guys together on such short notice, and I'm sure there were extenuating circumstances, but another few weeks or a month would give us more time to put together resources and coordinate/refine our TACSOP so that we can be more in-sync. With more warning, I could have budgeted to help outfit both of our stacks with thunder-b grenades, for instance.

Needless to say, we're going to be taking time for some of that preparation now, so when the next event comes around we can have a few of our kinks worked out. This event rocked, plain and simple. If you keep putting them on, we'll keep attending.
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Re: AP’s - CQC Challenge

Postby Solid » Fri Nov 24, 2017 6:27 pm

Yep, we all had a blast. Lots of learning for everyone.

Another few improves: better designate the people who are grading/cameras/etc. I know I shot a few of the cadre several times because they we're wearing strikingly similar atire as the opfor. Don't wanna shoot them on accident. Using our own medic would have been cool but the medic rules this time around worked fine. Also, knowing who the hostage was from the get-go in the briefing would help things out so we don't accidentally shoot 'em. I know this was a learning experience for everyone hosting but I'm sure next time the rules won't flex halfway through like they did for scenario 3.
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