[MISC] Zombie Airsoft Night Game July 15th, 2023

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Zombie Airsoft Night Game July 15th, 2023

Postby Bigfoot » Mon Jun 12, 2023 11:05 pm

Zombie Airsoft Night Game July 15th, 2023


Hosted by Wes "Bigfoot" Skotko

Night Game Itinerary:

On the evening of July 15th, 2023

Sunset will be 8:56 pm or 2056 military time.

1730 Registration / Chrono Opens
1830 Registration / Chrono Closes
1830 Safety Brief and Rule Brief
1900 Game 1 Start
2100 Game 1 End

Intermission Teams Switch Sides

2130 Game 2 Start
2330 Game 2 End/Index

Event Style: 3 team Force on Force With Objectives. Limited ammo will be provided to the players.

Teams: Tan and Multicam Team vs Green and Woodland Team. Teams take turns playing Attackers and Defenders. Zombies will be hostile toward all other players. Zombies will wear Civilian Clothes, zombie-like costumes, and anything non-camo if playing full-time.

NPC players:

Louis Kirkland: Played by Ben Small, leader of the Attacking teams and zombie elimination Expert.

Chris Butler: Played by David Godinez, leader of the Defending teams and sworn enemy of Louis Kirkland.

The Dixon Brothers: Played by Tim and Tank, 2 red necks with more firepower than they know what to do with it. They have something that belongs to Kirkland and are willing to give it back, for a price. They are considered hostile to all players and zombies. And cannot be killed.

Lead Zombie will be Sam Dean

Lead Admin and Event Host Wes "Bigfoot" Skotko

Objectives For Teams:

The attacking team needs to make contact and rendevous with their captain and NPC, Louis Kirkland (Played by Ben Small). Kirkland has access to more powerful weapons capable of eliminating the "Hoard Hives" and must be protected at all times. There will be 3 Hoard Hives planted around the field that will need to be found and destroyed for the attacking team to win. To make short work of the Hives, there is an ultimate weapon in the possession of the Dixon brothers

The defending team's objective is to protect the hoard hives at all costs and eliminate the attacking team payers.

Fulltime zombies' objective is to infect and turn as many players as they possibly can. A shooter is infected when at any time a zombie is able to grab or touch them with 2 hands on the arm, hand, wrist, legs, shoulders, or back. Zombies are not to touch anyone in the privates, or "bikini" area. Once a shooter has been infected by a zombie they must participate for the rest of that round as a zombie and are not allowed to shoot their replica. It is recommended that players store their unneeded gear back at spawn and continue as a zombie.

Winning a Round:

The attacking team wins only by destroying all of the Hoard Hives.

Defending Team wins if/when all of the attacking teams have been infected or when the game timer expires with at least 1 hoard hive remaining.

Zombies Team wins only if they have infected every shooter on the field.

There will be 2 rounds with a short intermission between games.

Gameplay Mechanics:

Velocity Limit: 1.138 Joule for all replicas used. Or 350 fps with a .20 gram bb, 313 fps with a .25 gram bb.

Recommended Replicas: Gas Blowback Pistols, GBBRs, HPA with tournament lock, using semi-auto. Full auto allowed but not recommended. Engagement distances may come down to less than 10 feet so the use of sider arms as a primary is recommended.

Players will be provided Bio Tracer bb's in a limited quantity at the safety brief and may not bring their own ammo onto the field for this game.

Players are considered injured when hit with a BB and must take a knee in place and call for a medic to help them back up. Zombies may infect a player while they are injured. Medics will just need to place to hands on the player and say "healed" to bring them back into play. Medics can't return a player back from the living dead. Once infected, you are a zombie for the rest of the round.

Zombies are playing an advanced game of 2-hand touch tag and their goal is to increase their numbers. When shot with a bb in the chest the zombie must fall to the ground and lay in place until the shooter team moves on. Zombies on the ground are considered out of play and may not grab a shooter's leg after being shot. Zombies do not talk to shooters. Zombies will have a team admin/captain that will handle and be responsible for communications and direction of the zombies. Zombies will spawn back in mass in the following ways, after lying on the ground for 5 minutes, after the players have left the area and are out of the line of sight, or by direction from the admins.

Teams will have a base camp to store their supplies that will act as their original spawn point. Base camps will be marked with colored chem lights Yellow lights for Tan and Green lights for Green Team. The zombie base will be marked with red lights. Admins will be marked with Orange lights and high-visibility vests.

Flashlights or weapon-mounted lights are required. No Strobe lights. Night Vision is not recommended but allowed to be used at your own risk. If using an IR laser do not shine them in people's faces on purpose.


Q: I want to come out to play this night game but I don't want to play all day Saturday and Sunday.

A: This is a special side event hosted by Wes, in partnership with Camp R&R. It's only $15 to play this zombie game. You can come, have a blast shooting zombies, and leave if you like. If you're already coming out for the weekend game, this will be in addition to the field entry fee for the weekend/camping.

Q: What if I can't pay the $15 to play this game?

A: You can still join in as a full-time zombie. You won't get to shoot your replica at anyone, but you may participate in the fun.

Q: I've never been to an event like this before, what can I expect?

A: Expect a fun, light-hearted atmosphere much like a haunted house. If you have ever played a zombie video game like Left 4 Dead 2, State of Decay 2, or Back 4 Blood you will understand the concept here. Sportsmanship will be required of all players in order for this to be a fun event. You can also expect a lot of screaming followed by nervous laughter as players flee into the darkness with their friends trailing after them groaning "BRAAAAINS!"

Q: Why is this being hosted the same weekend as a Camp R&R event?

A: Wes and Tim decided to try this game out to see if it has potential as a full stand-alone game. Think of it as an extra game on top of your regularly scheduled BB Wars fun.

Q: Will it suck being a zombie?

A: On the contrary, you'll have some of the most fun chasing after your friends trying to infect them. Wes has hosted 4 of these games in the past, and all of them have had players saying that they had more fun as a zombie than as a player/shooter.

Q: What's an NPC

A: A gaming term for "Non-Player Character." These designated players will be role-playing and are considered un-killable as they will be taking on leadership roles for the games.

Q: What is the "Hoard Hive" objective and how does it work? Can I break it with my hands instead of shooting it?

A: The idea is copied from games like State of Decay 2 and Back 4 Blood. The objective will be to make clay pigeon holders placed on the field. These clay pigeons are fragile and will break from several close-up airsoft gunshots. Players may break them by firing their replicas, however, that will use up ammo. You must work with the NPCs to find more powerful weapons to make short work of destroying the Hoard Hives. If a player chooses to break the clay with their hands/fist, after the first pigeon is broken they will be considered infected. Players may sacrifice themselves if they choose. However, it is recommended you play the objectives and get the ultimate weapon assembled.

Q: I'm worried my favorite rifle won't meet the lower FPS rules.

A: If you don't have a replica you can dial down to the lower limits, I recommend you just use a sidearm like a GBB pistol. In the past, some of the most successful players were using TM Mark 23s and GBB Glocks. We are not worried about what replica you use just as long as it meets the joule requirements at the chronograph.
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Re: Zombie Airsoft Night Game July 15th, 2023

Postby Crazytrain » Sun Jul 16, 2023 4:56 pm

Wes put on a great game that was outside the usual box. Ben was an absolute riot with his off the cuff story telling as the game progressed from objective to objective. I was infected fairly early, but it turns out being a zombie sows a lot of chaos into team planning. That tends to be what I do as a shooter anyway, so that was a lot of fun. I'm looking forward to the next game Wes puts on.

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