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Postby Hallowground » Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:50 pm

ogre. yes there is, it means edited or removed, and i was not being touchy feely. i was trying to not argue with somebody i will probably never meet in real life. internet arguements are useles, and he made sense.

Also, whether or not i capitalize the first letter of every sentence doesn't change whether you read it or not.
Last edited by Hallowground on Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:53 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby chapped » Tue Jul 27, 2010 9:50 pm

Good point Vaughn.
Am I the only one who noticed how sensationalistic the article was?
Yellow journalism at it's finest.
Was it really necessary to point out that the velocity of an airsoft gun matches that of a compound bow?
Funny how the whole concept of mass was omitted. :roll:
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Postby ogrejager » Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:07 am

hallowground wrote:ogre. yes there is, it means edited or removed

Also, whether or not i capitalize the first letter of every sentence doesn't change whether you read it or not.

Well, alright. Yes, it is a word. Damn, nice job. Kudos. Please, no one ever say I can't admit when someone else is correct. Cool new word, thanks!

Although I do disagree with our second point at some level. I might read your post, but I immediately disregard it because your grammar is annoying to read. For example, because the rest of your grammar and capitalization is so horrific, I immediately assume that instead of using a cool, new word you just can't spell. Same goes for any actual airsoft content you may make. Simply put, as your grammar and spelling goes downhill, so does your credibility.

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Postby Mr. Technicality » Wed Jul 28, 2010 12:47 am

chapped wrote:Good point Vaughn.
Am I the only one who noticed how sensationalistic the article was?
Yellow journalism at it's finest.
Was it really necessary to point out that the velocity of an airsoft gun matches that of a compound bow?
Funny how the whole concept of mass was omitted. :roll:

That's exactly what I was thinking. An accurately framed airsoft article doesn't sell very well does it? They just have to spice it up somehow. Mass media sickens me. Nobody seems to care about accuracy. It's all about what sells.
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Postby Vidar » Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:10 am

EDIT: Managed to miss Chapped's post about the compound bow vs. airsoft gun rubbish (i.e. the entire content of my post).
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Postby Solid » Wed Jul 28, 2010 3:09 am

ogrejager wrote:
hallowground wrote:ogre. yes there is, it means edited or removed

Also, whether or not i capitalize the first letter of every sentence doesn't change whether you read it or not.

Well, alright. Yes, it is a word. Damn, nice job. Kudos. Please, no one ever say I can't admit when someone else is correct. Cool new word, thanks!

Although I do disagree with our second point at some level. I might read your post, but I immediately disregard it because your grammar is annoying to read. For example, because the rest of your grammar and capitalization is so horrific, I immediately assume that instead of using a cool, new word you just can't spell. Same goes for any actual airsoft content you may make. Simply put, as your grammar and spelling goes downhill, so does your credibility.

+1 to that. Step one in being taken seriously, take things seriously. That means take the extra two seconds to capitalize and consider if your sentence actually makes any kind of real sense.
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Postby Rogue Reaper » Wed Jul 28, 2010 8:25 am

We tried the Mentoring route a few years ago. Try to find responsible teens and "learn 'em" Went over like a fart in church.

I am proud of one of the three. The one that participated. as for the other 2. Meh. Only one was arrested for shooting an AEG at cars on the freeway.

And on another note.

I was in Ohio, Just north of Columbus pulled over at a restaurant on the side of I-36. Now for those of you not familiar thats like Canyon road in beaverton near 217. When I took these photos. I had 4 options. Take pictures and mind my own business. Call the police. Go phony pony slap the parents and break the gun in half. step out of the RV and yell " GUN! GUN! GUN!" and cleanse the gene pool.


If your this person, this persons parents or know who these people are by there plate # and you would like me to remove these photos from the internet, Get a lawyer, your now my example of idiot parents and kids with regards to airsoft replicas.
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Postby Matt » Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:14 am

The parents are as much to blame as the kids. You would think it's common sense that you don't buy your 14-15 year old a fully automatic full metal scale replica of an actual gun and turn them loose in the suburbs with it. But obviously they need to be educated about this. Kids need to be supervised and they need to be taught how to safely and appropriately use Airsoft replicas. There should be a big fat warning sheet in every Airsoft gun box that explains local laws, city ordinances against firing these, and advice on where the appropriate places to play Airsoft are located. Hell, take it one step further and require adults to read it and sign it before they can even purchase an AEG for a minor.

And you kids complaining about the adults giving you a hard time, GET OVER IT. Life is not fair. You grow up, you get old, you earn respect. Don't expect everyone to bend over backwards, the world does not revolve around you. People have opinions, people judge you on your spelling and your ability to communicate - that's just life. If you can't learn that, you're going to have a very hard time here and everywhere else. Don't talk about it like it's a problem with AP, this exists EVERYWHERE in life. We're just not pulling any punches.

And besides, we're not even singling you out. The media is. If an adult armed with an Airsoft replica in public is shot by police - he's a dumb a$$ who made a mistake. If a minor is in the same position - it's a tragic accident. Get it? You aren't legally responsible for yourself until you are 18.
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Postby Hallowground » Wed Jul 28, 2010 9:45 am

In all reality, I'd love it if they handed out plain terms english law warnings with every airsoft gun purchase. I'd pay an extra five bucks for that instead of having to go on what usually amounts to hear-say or having to wade through actual laws written in the way laws are normally written.
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Postby lilwil » Wed Jul 28, 2010 10:51 am

hallowground wrote:In all reality, I'd love it if they handed out plain terms english law warnings with every airsoft gun purchase. I'd pay an extra five bucks for that instead of having to go on what usually amounts to hear-say or having to wade through actual laws written in the way laws are normally written.

Where are you buying guns? Law #1, do not sell to minors. Law #2, take a shower at least once a week.

But on a serious note, you have internet, look up the ordinances. I have only bought 2/12 of my replicas local, and laws change from city to city and county to county, so I am not sure that handing out law books would really help anyone. It might even make the store liable if you got caught by police doing something stupid.
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Postby Matt » Wed Jul 28, 2010 11:00 am

Laws will vary from state to state, but even just some sort of a common sense "CHECK OUT YOUR LOCAL LAWS BEFORE USING THIS, YOU bleeding MORON" as an insert in the AEG box would be awesome.
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Postby Vamp » Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:10 pm

So many things to say and so little time to say them in.

Unfortunatly kids like the one in the article and the one in the photo are soley to blame for vilifying the sport of airsoft. However I do agree with blitzkrieg in principle. I don't believe that they should make this sport any more expensive due to the fact it would cut down on turnout rates and eventually kill the sport as a whole. I also believe that teenagers who show common sense and a maturity level should be respected in the airsoft community. So even though I don't know you blitzkrieg kudos for standing up for yourself and othe SENSIBLE teenagers, and I am more than happy to follow G-Runner anytime. Although I do agree that we should try and get somesort of good press going. Regardless the duechebags that would try and protest if we had more privatly owned fields this would be a problem since it would be private property. Two words Illegal Trespassing. To any of you out there who organize events or own fields I would like to ask that you make an attempt to get some press for the occasion. As far as how the police react to airsoft weapons they responeded to the situation correctly. They have to assume that anything that looks like a weapon is a real weapon until proven otherwise.
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Postby Blitzkreig » Wed Jul 28, 2010 1:48 pm

Vamp wrote:So many things to say and so little time to say them in.

Unfortunatly kids like the one in the article and the one in the photo are soley to blame for vilifying the sport of airsoft. However I do agree with blitzkrieg in principle. I don't believe that they should make this sport any more expensive due to the fact it would cut down on turnout rates and eventually kill the sport as a whole. I also believe that teenagers who show common sense and a maturity level should be respected in the airsoft community. So even though I don't know you blitzkrieg kudos for standing up for yourself and othe SENSIBLE teenagers, and I am more than happy to follow G-Runner anytime. Although I do agree that we should try and get somesort of good press going. Regardless the duechebags that would try and protest if we had more privatly owned fields this would be a problem since it would be private property. Two words Illegal Trespassing. To any of you out there who organize events or own fields I would like to ask that you make an attempt to get some press for the occasion. As far as how the police react to airsoft weapons they responeded to the situation correctly. They have to assume that anything that looks like a weapon is a real weapon until proven otherwise.

I believe that if we were to get good press (like the article about the Farm) even the anti-gun crowd would leave us alone. We enjoy a very unique thing. If a reporter were to come out and see us, we would look like our very own militia! This makes it very hard to paint a good picture. BUT... we could relate it to playing cowboys and Indians or any other child game. If we showed how safe we are and maybe even got the reporter to play we could make an influence. I don't know about keeping airsoft on a low profile. This could be bad if someone were to discover us or... I don't know. I imagine a day when APST is used on the military channel to display the proper way to breach a room. Or Fragistan is used to show the dangers of insurgancy. And everyone is safe and happy.
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Postby Juicemachine » Wed Jul 28, 2010 2:31 pm

Blitzkreig wrote:I am simply a representative of all teenagers who airsoft.

No, you're not. You're an exception to the rule. There are a metric fuckton of idiotic teenagers who play out there, and they are the reason most older player have no respect for the group in general. You're not going to change the viewpoint of anyone towards minors in airsoft in general. You'll just fall into the select handful of kids who play and aren't fucktarded.

More to the point, this story is just another example of a dumbass doing dumbassed things and getting caught. I've seen worse (a kid running around with an airsoft M9 in the commons at my school, shooting people, and not getting caught). Shit happens, and the press will get wind of it. It's been happening for a long time, and nothing has happened to our hobby. Flipping out every time some kid gets laid out because he was flinging a toy gun around in a public place is as the same level of retardation as "Oberma's gerna terk er gurns!". Seriously people, calm the shazaam down.

Now, I'm almost done with my rant, but I want to touch on one more point. Alex and Justin, I love you both, but you're wrong. Making airsoft more cost-prohibitive would just increase the number of jackasses on the field. More bleeding rich kids would be playing, and rich people are entitled, and stupid as hell when it comes to firearms, real or replica (I should know; I go to school with 1200 of them). What needs to happen is game organizers need to start being more restrictive as to who they let play. If someone has a history of cheating, unsafe behavior, or general assclownery, don't let them play your game.
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Postby Hallowground » Wed Jul 28, 2010 5:42 pm

Juicemachine wrote:
Blitzkreig wrote:I am simply a representative of all teenagers who airsoft.

No, you're not. You're an exception to the rule. There are a metric fuckton of idiotic teenagers who play out there, and they are the reason most older player have no respect for the group in general. You're not going to change the viewpoint of anyone towards minors in airsoft in general. You'll just fall into the select handful of kids who play and aren't fucktarded.


I found this to be more poignant given that you're younger than him.

Nicely worded, also, I enjoyed the southpark joke.

also, whether my mother purchases the weapon or not I'm paying for it.
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