Halloween draws near

Airsoft safety discussion. Post here with questions about laws and safety concerns.

Halloween draws near

Postby Aforbit » Fri Oct 18, 2013 11:55 am

Hello AP,

As Halloween draws near as all of you know leads to news story's about stupid kids and sometimes adults using Airsoft AEG's to cause havoc and mayhem. If we are proactive hopefully we can curb some of the stupid. I know it's like shoveling shit ageist the tide sometimes, but it shows the Airsoft community does not approve of people who behave like that. I know I am preaching to the quire here but if we can get the word out.

Things you can do to be proactive: (please feel free to add to this as well).
1. Set the example: Your an air softer safety, respect and sportsmanship on and off the field always.

2. Post Flyers around your local areas warning people what criminal charges they could face (Ie: vandalism, disrupting the peace, incitement (rioting), and a host of other laws ) if they go out and remind them that death could also happen if the local police are unaware that they are carrying a airsoft or if some local home owner thinks you're trying to rob him and pulls real steel on you.

3. If you go out trick or treating in full kit don't take your AEG with you. :roll:

4. Go to the local Police station and see if they can tack airsoft safety on to their annual Halloween PSAs.

5. Encourage your local field/airsoft and paintball store owners to help promote Halloween safety.

6. *If you see people being stupid with AEGs call it into the cops and let them know whats happening.
Note: never try to physically stop them the last thing you need is to be at the center of a Zimmermen type trial.
Note: If life, limb or a woman's honor is danger then use your best judgment. ( or METT_TC :p )

7. Post on the local Airsoft forums ..oh wait..
There is no 'overkill.' There is only 'open fire' and 'I need to reload.
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