Oregon Airsoft Arena

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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Icepick » Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:49 pm

Mongrol wrote:icepick... of all the things i could say. First of all, the white line in the middle is for one gametype only. In any game other than domination the entire field is open.

Ok, that is my own fault as I did not understand that the line was only for domination.
Mongrol wrote:Secondly, i play there on average once or twice a week and the goo's are there quite often. I've never had an issue with them not calling their hits or have heard anybody else complain about them. You also say that you shoot them and they wait then shoot you... then about a 2 lines later you say "And these aren't even the people who don't take their hits" (also there is no way you could count them as "the other 25%)

Are you sure? Every time they are there I have an issue with them not taking their hits. Even the other two guys I was gunning with were mentioning them not taking their hits. I have been going to this arena ever since S4 was still in business, and from the day they showed up, I've always had issues with them not taking hits.
Mongrol wrote:Thirdly, about 5% of kids there actually stand in the corner. Most of that 75% just need a little inspiration boost and they are incredibly useful for guarding an area. On this topic, those kids shouldn't be any annoyance whatsoever. You just worry about yourself and let them do their own thing whether it be getting shot a lot or standing in the corner.

From your experience this is the case. I over exaggerated a bit on that statement, sometimes the kids will actually leave spawn and just hide against the wall. But this time half of them would not even leave the spawn.
Mongrol wrote:Fourth, if you couldnt get more than 20 feet without getting shot then you just weren't doing very well. It's not hard to get anywhere in that arena if you move fast enough and low enough.

Now that seems a bit personal, I will question my outdoor tactics. But my indoor tactics I will not. Like I said, I've been going to that arena for quite some time now and I've learned every in and out possible. (I don't mean to come off with an ego, but what I said is true.)

As for moving more than 20 feet, that is a reference to the size of the arena. You should bring a tape measure to the place sometime, and see how far you move in relevance to the spawn. You'd be surprised at how short the distance really is.
Mongrol wrote:Fifth, there are lots of gameplay dynamics. You just ignored or didnt understand them. The only game with no "dynamics" is TDM.

You're serious right? The only thing people there understand is "shoot." In every scenario I've ever played there, it has been nothing but a clusterfuck with people shooting at eachother cluelessly for 7 minutes. There is 0 planning, 0 organization, and 0 team reliance at all in any of the game scenarios.

Mongrol wrote:Sixth, the number of people who don't call their hits has never wavered at the arena since S4 was there. There's always going to be a small group that likes to play their way.

Every time I go there, there are people that don't take their hits. I can guarantee that it's more than it was at S4, but how many more, I can't tell you.
Mongrol wrote:Lastly, if you left after only an hour, then you didnt play more than 4-6 games. That's pathetic to write a review off of. To conclude, if you're really that butthurt about the whole thing, then you either have some head issues you need to get taken care of, or you aren't as good as you thought you were and had that proven while you were there.

Like I said, again, I have been going there for quite some time. I'm writing this review fueled of all of the bad times I've had there, but the most recent visit is what I really based it off of. Any and all things they have offered there I have been to, and have seen every change be made.

As for another personal matter. Why would you question my skill (not trying to push an ego) when the problem for me was people who wouldn't take their hits? It's like calling a carpenter bad because he doesn't have any nails, there's something missing from the equation and it doesn't make sense to make such an assumption.

You can play your game all you want. But I'm done sticking up for that place, I'm done defending it, and I'm sure as hell done with trying to pretend it's a good place to go. Most will think I'm spouting off my typical shit but I'm telling you, soon people are going to realize there are better things to do with their time and stop going to that place to play.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Mongrol » Sun Jun 24, 2012 2:59 pm

my apologies my man. I have had issues with people now and then not taking hits but i just keep shooting at the areas that hurt haha. I've just never noticed it with the goo's.

As for moving around, my own experience is that, unless the other team is spawn camping which the admins are good about not letting happen, I havent had a hard time getting out of my spawn.

just a suggestion but try taking the organizing into your own hands and see how it works, usually before a objective game i'll try to run over with my team what should be done and it generally works whereas when nobody says anything, you're right, it does become a cluster shazaam

lastly, as for my questioning your skill level. Sorry bout that, let a little too much emotion into that haha. I love the place, go there all the time, and know most of the people there so it's hard to have an unbiased view.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Viper [TFW-W07] » Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:03 pm

i went there bout 10 days ago, first cqb field ever, i live 4 hours away so not a suprise, anyway, from what ive seen if you shoot and hit somebody, they call there hits, yes the fields small, yes the proshop is small, but at least its there and its hella bigger than tac ops, when i went there were not to many kids as were more teens and adults, i only had 1 problem, a dumbass with a shotgun safety killed 2 people, i then safety killed him and then he turned around, and shot me, insteadf of opening up i called my hit.... i think thatyou should really try to have fun and just enjoy it and have a time and play at a disadvantage like a game if there not calling hits, well those are my 2 cents
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Icepick » Sun Jun 24, 2012 8:16 pm

Mongrol wrote:I love the place, go there all the time, and know most of the people there so it's hard to have an unbiased view.

No need to apologize. I understand where you're coming from though, I used to really enjoy the place. I've had some really fun times there as well as some not so great times too. But this visit just took it over the edge for me which is why I got so irate.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Hamster » Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:25 pm

Shoot that family till they ragebitch or call their hits. They complain that they've been lit up so hard? Too bad for them. Call them out to Terry, and make the admins watch gameplay. To be honest, I never see the admins doing anything. Once, I swear one guy was playing WoW in the admin box.

75% of the crowd are 12 and under. So what? More midget targets to help be meat shields, and they're just getting into our god-forsaken hobby. They'll realize they're wasting mom's money on this arena like I, and it hurts little Timmy's elbow.

Also, it's bleeding speedball. Run out, shoot fools, run back to a spawn and run back in. Expecting "super 1337 seal team 6 ragnar basebal sli3d taktiks"? Too bad. Baseball slide wherever the shazaam you feel like. It works sometimes. Playing an objective game? bleeding do the objective shit while people run the shazaam around, and yell at kids to cover you while you raise that bloody flag. It works as soon as you've somehow miraculously gotten somebody to provide suppressing fire onto a spot covering you.

I'd go back to OAA. Terry is a cool guy, but the players visiting there might be piles of shit. So if they don't call their hits? Shoot them till they do. Load up on tornado grenades or something. You're there to shoot bitches and be shot at. It's not Mil-sim or anything, it's bleeding speedball with overly loud wubstep and songs I swear were on my iPod before I lost it, and also on my iTunes playlist with WoW playing dudes in an man cave in progress keeping track of time chillin' around.

Go there for adrenaline, to yell at kids to do stuff, and to shoot shit and have good times.

Sometimes, First impressions are worthless. Bad time? Sometimes the answer is "Try again". I have fun most of the time when I go, despite the idiots ruining your fun. Shrug it off and shoot at them. Bring friends and have them follow your lead or something. I might have had a bad time once or twice actually, but I go back anyways and hope I don't run into those guys again.

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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Icepick » Sun Jun 24, 2012 9:50 pm

Honestly, I would light them up, but I'm not really a confrontational kind of guy. That would cause problems and I don't think they would take that well. As for reporting it to Terry or the admins, it really doesn't matter to me anymore since I'm never going there again anyways. What happens there is none of my business, and never will be.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Darius137 » Mon Jun 25, 2012 11:51 am

Just unload on them until they call their hits? If you don't call your hits you're saying "Keep shooting me, I know you like it"
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Mcluvin » Mon Jun 25, 2012 2:22 pm

I was there Friday night and played on the opposite team of Mongrol. The only person that consistently didn't call his hits was at least 25-30 years old, so the kiddies weren't too bad with the "invincible" problem. They do however tend to sit in one corner, but Mongrol is right when he says that a majority of those kids just need a little inspiration boost. I only had a problem with one little guy on my team, because he stood 5 feet out of our own spawn and just shot walls and lights. He wouldn't listen to us when we told him that where to go, or even suggested anything to him. If people really aren't calling there hits, then aim where it hurts, or run up closer. At one point, a couple people didn't call there hits, so I lapped the entire arena twice just to safety kill them a couple times each. If they don't honor the safety kill, then shoot them. When you are standing face to face at that point, they can't deny that they have been hit. And as Hamster said, if you get all pissy about everyone else running around in circles and being an idiot, complete the damn objective yourself. It's not that hard. I give the arena a 7/10. It's no CQB City, but it is fun if you make the best of it and don't phony pony about every damn thing you find not up par according to you. Primarily aimed at Icepick.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby CommieHunter » Mon Jun 25, 2012 5:06 pm

Wait, so everyone else is having fun, and you have problems with all of them, so you left early and came home to cry? The least common denominator is you.

Icepick wrote:Well, I took a visit to this place for the first time in a while.

Overall, I would give Oregon Airsoft Arena a 1/10. Why would it score that low? First of all, 75% of the crowd is kids younger than 12, and the rest of the crowd... Well, I'll get to them. These little kids wouldn't be a problem if they weren't so damn annoying, and would actually play instead of standing in the spawn crying for mommy. Next off, the field is so damn small it makes me want to scream and they even drew a line in the middle of it which your team cannot cross. There are no gameplay dynamics, and you will literally run 20 feet (yes, 20 feet) and be shot, or shoot somebody else and then get shot by the same person after they respawn. It's the same routine for EVERY gameplay scenario.

Now, to the most annoying part, the other 25% of the crowd. They are people that I've seen around for a while and they seem pretty nice until they get onto the field. It's a father and two sons, the Goo family if I remember correctly. And these guys DO NOT TAKE HITS. So... What's worse than people who don't take hits? MORE PEOPLE THAT DON'T TAKE HITS! They have gathered a following of little kids, who dress in half-assed Marpat loadouts. There were about 12 of them there on Saturday, all on the same team, and all through the hour that I played our whole team had something to say about these guys not taking hits. I even saw on numerous accounts my bb's hitting them 5 to 6 times on the chest, back, or helmet, and them staying in cover until they turned and shot me. This is 100% bullshit, and is the exact reason why I would highly recommend you to stay away from this place. And these aren't even the only people that don't take their hits either.

The reason my rating is a 1/10 is because it is simply an unenjoyable experience to be there. There is absolutely no fun to be found at that arena anymore, and the people that don't take their hits have exponentially grown in numbers. Which in turn makes airsoft impossible to play there.

(Now I know there are a few of you that will try to give me some lip for being butthurt, but really. If I leave the place after an hour of play, and come home butthurt and give off a huge rant, don't you think that's another sign that OAA is deserving of a 1/10? I'm not that sensible, or caring, or logical, or whatever to you guys but you have to understand that this is an experience that can even make ME furious. I'm trolled, my jimmies are rustled, I'm mad, I wet my diaper, whatever you want to say the bottom line is that this place is a load of shit, and will never have my business again. I am purely and wholesomely pissed off to no end from my trip to Oregon Airsoft Arena, and I would highly suggest you all stay away from it as well.)

On another note:
Have they improved the arena? Yes. The arena has grown a lot in size since S4, and they seem to make decent use of the space.

Have they improved the pro shop? Yes. I would even buy from them myself if it wasn't such a trip out there. Their prices are fair and they have a lot of inventory.

Are the people that work there nice? Yes. In fact the guy that owns the place, Terry, is great and has helped me out many times. The other employees are all good people as well.

My hat's off to them for actually fixing up the place, and making it look nice. But other than that, the place is a joke and has practically turned airsoft into laser tag. If you don't want to listen to me, or don't believe me, at least heed my warning: Do not visit OAA to play there, and do not bestow any hope you have left for CQB in it for you will only leave pissed off and wishing for your time and money back.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Icepick » Tue Jun 26, 2012 11:45 pm

CommieHunter wrote:Wait, so everyone else is having fun, and you have problems with all of them, so you left early and came home to cry? The least common denominator is you.

I just had problems with those who weren't taking their hits. You see, when it gets to a point that you can't enjoy yourself in the slew of toddlers and cheaters, then what is the point of being there? I thought it was time to leave, and I did. I was and still am upset, but it isn't the end of the world.

Yes, I am the least common denominator because I have an opinion of my own. I am also the least common denominator because I take my hits, and when others refuse to do so I get pretty pissed off. Especially when I just paid money out of my own pocket to play, and paid for the gas to drive all the way down there too. As I said before, you guys can defend the place and try and make it seem better than it really is all you want. But as far as I'm concerned I'm through with the place and don't care to go there to play anymore. They can have my money for the pro shop any day of the week, but I'm not going to play laser tag for twice the price of what it used to be to play airsoft.

A note to everybody: Why is it that once I write 1 negative review (which isn't about even the whole facility itself, just the actual field and players), everybody comes out of the woodwork to get just as upset as I was? You couldn't seriously expect EVERYBODY to love it right? That's just a bit ridiculous...
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby $tealth » Sat Jun 30, 2012 4:47 pm

The Goo's are usually pretty good at calling their hits. At least when I'm around. The older guy doesn't always call them, but I just run up and light him up and he usually calls it.

The kiddies almost never go farther than 10 feet from the spawn. So what. There's almost always a couple adults there for you to work with and complete objectives. Sometimes there's a little 10 year old kid there with his dad and he almost always does just as well as all the adults/older kids. I actually saw one running around with a USP Match... One of the funniest things I've ever seen.

Sure the Admins don't pay much attention sometimes, but you can always just go knock on the door and say "such and such aren't calling their hits" and he'll usually either remind everyone to call hits on the mic, or remind them after that round in the staging area.

Most of the time the kiddies come on Saturday/Sunday. I go on Wednesdays and there are virtually no kiddies. If there are any, they're pretty good for their size. But now that school's ended, everyone is always there... But it means they give away something a little more worth while for the raffle.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Yoaty » Mon Jul 09, 2012 6:19 pm

Sorry to back onto the debate about safety kills, but here are the bad parts about safety kills, and yes, before I start, I am 14. Get over it.
Safety Kills: There is that 2/3 chance that A) the person, (if under the age of 14) will be so overcome with fear, that they will shoot you.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Viper [TFW-W07] » Tue Jul 10, 2012 4:13 pm

im 14 as well, i safety killed a adult and he turned around and shot me point blank with a three shot shot gun, so safety kills arent to nescary, however i felt bad when they said free for all in a game and i shot like 3 11 year olds from less than 10 ft away, but whatever, i look forward to going this upcoming friday from bend or, then hitting up aonw and summer slaughter, it will be teh only 2nd time ever playing cqb.. hope to see you guuys then!
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby DJ » Tue Jul 10, 2012 6:54 pm

One thing to keep in mind at this locale is that there are many people who have no idea of what a safety kill are about. The last time I was there We discussed it and the other team of tough guys laughed off safety kills. It was not so funny when I lit several of them up at less than 5 feet. They fully understood after that.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Viper [TFW-W07] » Tue Jul 10, 2012 9:21 pm

there not nescary if you both see eachother coming, if your coming from the side or rear on somebody then there nescary (i safet y killed the shotgun guy from behind) but not the kids in the free for all game since they tried to shoot me..
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