Oregon Airsoft Arena

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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Matt » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:37 pm

Never necessary in CQB if you ask me, unless you sneak up on somebody. If both players are aware of each other, the person with the best reflexes should come out ahead - NOT the person who says "SAFETY KILL" first. Why even play CQB in an arena if you aren't going to shoot at people in close quarters?
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Junto » Tue Jul 10, 2012 10:40 pm

Matt wrote:Never necessary in CQB if you ask me, unless you sneak up on somebody. If both players are aware of each other, the person with the best reflexes should come out ahead - NOT the person who says "SAFETY KILL" first. Why even play CQB in an arena if you aren't going to shoot at people in close quarters?
Entirely this. That's a large part of why the FPS limit is lower. It's rare to be further apart than our usual outdoor safety kill range and if you're using proper breaching and clearing methods, you're up in peoples' grill the whole time.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby $tealth » Wed Jul 11, 2012 10:49 am

Matt wrote:Never necessary in CQB if you ask me, unless you sneak up on somebody. If both players are aware of each other, the person with the best reflexes should come out ahead - NOT the person who says "SAFETY KILL" first. Why even play CQB in an arena if you aren't going to shoot at people in close quarters?

Agreed. Especially if you're running a pistol/shotgun. Like at CQB City in Stockton, CA. There, there is a minimum engagement distance for AEGs, upon which you must switch to your sidearm. There is no rule for safety kills (they don't use "Safety Kill" in CA anyways, they use "Surrender") and no minimum engagement distance for pistols/shotguns. Calling a "Surrender" is optional, taking one isn't.

Haven't we all been over this in a previous topic?

Also, something I encountered during a Medic game, one of the off-work admins who was there playing said that the other team's medic can heal people on your team and vice versa? Wth?
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby DJ » Wed Jul 11, 2012 12:48 pm

All of your logic is sound re the safety kills, still I feel kind of bad when some dude is bleeding from my shots because he was "tough" and did not need "any sissy safety kills"
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby $tealth » Thu Jul 12, 2012 9:55 pm

DJ wrote:All of your logic is sound re the safety kills, still I feel kind of bad when some dude is bleeding from my shots because he was "tough" and did not need "any sissy safety kills"

I've had 2 people deny me the fact that safety kills are optional to call and not to take in the past month or so. The result was them getting lit up from 5 feet away. I think one of them actually went and griped to the Admin about me not calling a safety kill... Or maybe I was dreaming... Meh.

Anyways, this is getting a bit off-topic so we should probably move it to the Safety Kills topic or get back to OAA...
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Viper [TFW-W07] » Thu Jul 12, 2012 10:20 pm

moving it into topic im going tomorow the 13 the friday, unlucky but wtf, see ya there i guess!
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby $tealth » Fri Jul 13, 2012 4:48 pm

Viper [TFW-W07] wrote:moving it into topic im going tomorow the 13 the friday, unlucky but wtf, see ya there i guess!

I'm not going today, but their last FB post said that they were gonna hide a bunch of free stuff in the arena. And at least 1 gun. Probably some mags, mag pouches, etc. I wish I could go today though, but I've gotta get ready for summer camp.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby loaded_guy » Thu Jul 19, 2012 10:01 pm

Icepick wrote:Well, I took a visit to this place for the first time in a while.

Overall, I would give Oregon Airsoft Arena a 1/10. Why would it score that low? First of all, 75% of the crowd is kids younger than 12, and the rest of the crowd... Well, I'll get to them. These little kids wouldn't be a problem if they weren't so damn annoying, and would actually play instead of standing in the spawn crying for mommy. Next off, the field is so damn small it makes me want to scream and they even drew a line in the middle of it which your team cannot cross. There are no gameplay dynamics, and you will literally run 20 feet (yes, 20 feet) and be shot, or shoot somebody else and then get shot by the same person after they respawn. It's the same routine for EVERY gameplay scenario.

Now, to the most annoying part, the other 25% of the crowd. They are people that I've seen around for a while and they seem pretty nice until they get onto the field. It's a father and two sons, the Goo family if I remember correctly. And these guys DO NOT TAKE HITS. So... What's worse than people who don't take hits? MORE PEOPLE THAT DON'T TAKE HITS! They have gathered a following of little kids, who dress in half-assed Marpat loadouts. There were about 12 of them there on Saturday, all on the same team, and all through the hour that I played our whole team had something to say about these guys not taking hits. I even saw on numerous accounts my bb's hitting them 5 to 6 times on the chest, back, or helmet, and them staying in cover until they turned and shot me. This is 100% bullshit, and is the exact reason why I would highly recommend you to stay away from this place. And these aren't even the only people that don't take their hits either.

The reason my rating is a 1/10 is because it is simply an unenjoyable experience to be there. There is absolutely no fun to be found at that arena anymore, and the people that don't take their hits have exponentially grown in numbers. Which in turn makes airsoft impossible to play there.

(Now I know there are a few of you that will try to give me some lip for being butthurt, but really. If I leave the place after an hour of play, and come home butthurt and give off a huge rant, don't you think that's another sign that OAA is deserving of a 1/10? I'm not that sensible, or caring, or logical, or whatever to you guys but you have to understand that this is an experience that can even make ME furious. I'm trolled, my jimmies are rustled, I'm mad, I wet my diaper, whatever you want to say the bottom line is that this place is a load of shit, and will never have my business again. I am purely and wholesomely pissed off to no end from my trip to Oregon Airsoft Arena, and I would highly suggest you all stay away from it as well.)

On another note:
Have they improved the arena? Yes. The arena has grown a lot in size since S4, and they seem to make decent use of the space.

Have they improved the pro shop? Yes. I would even buy from them myself if it wasn't such a trip out there. Their prices are fair and they have a lot of inventory.

Are the people that work there nice? Yes. In fact the guy that owns the place, Terry, is great and has helped me out many times. The other employees are all good people as well.

My hat's off to them for actually fixing up the place, and making it look nice. But other than that, the place is a joke and has practically turned airsoft into laser tag. If you don't want to listen to me, or don't believe me, at least heed my warning: Do not visit OAA to play there, and do not bestow any hope you have left for CQB in it for you will only leave pissed off and wishing for your time and money back.

I’ve come into this tread a bit late, but I wanted to remark on what “Icepick” stated in his post. I have to agree with him overall regarding his experience at OAA. It’s been a short time that I’ve been into airsoft and was very impressed with Terry the owner after stopping by his shop and getting some information about the different guns on the market and what was good and what was better. He came across as a very fair and honest person. That being said I bought a gun or two or three. It’s a bit of a blur at this point.

What has amazed me is how fast the luster of the place has worn off (getting excited about going). It’s great that Hillsboro has an indoor arena to play in/at regardless of the weather outside and that is a big plus, however as with everything it’s not perfect. One of the biggest issues I hear while standing around between games is the number of younger players that are there and they’re lack of understanding tactical movement. It does get old, but it’s also the perfect opportunity to help them understand and guide them along in warfare game play. Not many of them have a Dad there or big brother to hang with. So yes some of them run around with their heads cut-off. I guess it goes with the territory of playing mixed ages. It would be nice to see a division of ages per game as I feel it would greatly enhance the experiance. As for “safety-kills” I think it's a gentleman’s way of conduct and should be repaid in kind.

One of the things that must be hard is running the entire operation and trying to please everyone. So this is more customer feedback, and not a personal attack on Terry. If I had to think about what bothers me most regarding my experiences at OAA, it would have to be “overcrowding” in any one game type and the lack of professional attitude by the administrators running the games and working onsite. This is my experience only and that is what I’m writing about, although I have heard grumblings along the same lines from other players (over thirty years of age). Those persons can jump in should they wish, but I’m just sharing my experience here. I think to a degree it runs parallel with “Icepick” and his experience.

The arena is a small confined space and that being said, I would think it best to have a reasonable number of people competing in each game regardless of type. I’ve seen numbers upwards of twenty (20) on each team and that is just plain not enjoyable to me (not for the size of the facility). Perhaps it has something to do with trying to get each person a certain number of games per hour for the money, but I’m of the mindset that quality over quantity is better and in the long run gives off better results for customers. The owner is not there all the time and having to deal with one of the very young administrators is not my idea of having a good time nor is it my job as a customer. I just leave or sit out the games until such time that the game play gets better. As for administrators playing in games, I can see it if there are a limited number of paying customers at a given time, but as the amount of customers increase then it might be better to step out of the games and allow others with varying degrees of ability to play instead of playing and acting like “airsoft gods”. This is the exact behavior displayed the last time I played at OAA and it’s not a professional image for the business owner.

To close I think it needs to be stated once again that there is an indoor airsoft arena in the Hillsboro, Oregon area. It has its warts and shortcomings, but here’s the kicker. Until another airsoft arena is opened in the local area, it is all that is available. Competition breeds change and for that matter change for the better or failure. Just think of the competition between BMW and Audi and the back and forth they have done with each other over the years, the customer is the one that benefits in the end. Right now OAA has nobody nipping at their heels and until that happens all that can be hoped for is that the owner keeps pushing to make it a better experience.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Oregon-airsoft.com » Fri Jul 20, 2012 3:39 pm

Open play is open play
Oregon-Airsoft Arena offers twice as many special events compared to open play, the complaints I hear are because people are not always happy with open play. That is why we have the other times, so that people can play it the way they like it. Here is a list of events that go on every week.

Open play
Birthday parties
Corprate team building events
Airsoft teams use it for CQB training
NRA instructors use the arena for classes
Players rent the arena and have games run the their way
Tactical Shooters rent the arena and run competitions
We have nights that are set up for CQB classes
We run top-shot nights that we just have shooting competitions
We have nights that are pistol and shotgun only

I agree open play is not for everyone and that is fine, but don’t complain about the arena because of open play. If open play isn’t for you then try one of our other events or rent the arena out and we will run it your way. Many other adults rent it out once or twice a month so that they can have their type of play. If you can't afford to rent the arena or find enough friends to have a private event, don’t complain on the forum give us a call and suggest a type of game play for the next week.

Again if you want a CQB event don't come to open play, call and schedule one like other people do.
We are always happy to help run your event your way.

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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby happyjuice » Thu Aug 02, 2012 10:37 pm

i went there today, and it was my fist time ever playing airsoft.. i had soo much fun, that becuase of this plase you just made a lifer out of me :D i can see how playing with all little kids could kinda suck, when theres people there that are good it was a blast!!! i didnt even mind losing at times :) of being shot lol .. anyways i am by no way a expert , i justin wanted to say i enjoyed it ..
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby SA12 » Fri Aug 03, 2012 12:00 am

I'll be checking this place out next next Saturday (8/11), can't wait to see how it is. I have no problem with kids laying as long as they're good at it.
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Applegate__Airsoft » Fri Aug 03, 2012 1:17 am

ill be sure to check this place out next time i go to portland. never played a CQC game before, hopefully im good at it.
CQC cant be any harder than field...
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby Farmer » Fri Aug 03, 2012 8:19 am

I shall be heading to OAA omorrow for the customer day thing. Its pretty much a all around decent day, at least till I have to work. Even if the play isnt any good, you are on he back side of the airfield...air show AND airsoft cant beat it!!

Its a game....have fun or find something you do have fun at
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby $tealth » Fri Aug 03, 2012 11:17 am

Sham Shield wrote:ill be sure to check this place out next time i go to portland. never played a CQC game before, hopefully im good at it.
CQC cant be any harder than field...

There is a very large contrast between field and CQB. The tactics are very different as is the environment. It's more urban. You never know what's gonna be around the corner, which makes it much more interesting. Though the way they have it set up right now there aren't a lot of "blind spots".
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Re: Oregon Airsoft Arena

Postby SA12 » Thu Aug 16, 2012 1:00 pm

Finally got around to visiting OAA and it was a lot of fun, didn't have any experiences with someone not calling their hits and I really like how the breaks between games are short. I've been to fields where the wait times between games have been 30+ minutes. They do it right by allowing you just enough time to reload your magazines, fill up gas (if you have GBB), take a quick drink of liquid and get back out to play.

I got some video footage of yesterdays game on my youtube page.
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