Airsoft Pacific's new video series of Airsmithing & Airsoft Tips and Tricks


Postby Matt » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:26 pm

Basic Rules
These are the Airsoft Pacific basic conduct rules while using these forums. Please read them and make sure to abide by them if you post here. We appreciate your cooperation.

1. Illegal activity is NOT tolerated. Do not intentionally or even jokingly talk about committing illegal activity with Airsoft replicas. Doing this will definitely result in you being barred from attending events and banned from using these forums. Also please note that members of Law Enforcement agencies frequent this board.

2. Adult content is NOT allowed. Our members can be as young as 13 years old, any content posted should be considered "PG13" or younger.

3. Promotion of websites and services through the Airsoft Pacific forums without express permission from Airsoft Pacific is NOT acceptable. Such posts will be removed without warning. If you want to advertise, see our sponsor/advertiser page.

4. Treat other posters with respect. Personal attacks will not be permitted. Posts that intentionally "troll" for arguments or shock value will be removed.

5. DO NOT post advice regarding upgrades or which products to buy unless you have EXTENSIVE experience on the subject-matter.

6. DO NOT post irrelevant topics in places where they don't belong. Posts in the wrong forum will be removed without warning.

7. DO NOT post anything about how to use or modify explosives or pyrotechnics to use at airsoft events. This goes along with Rule Number One; modification of pyrotechnics is illegal and dangerous.

8. Each person is entitled to 1 account on Airsoft Pacific, please don't create multiple accounts. Additional accounts are subject to deletion without notice. If you are locked out of your old account, don't just create a new one, contact the admin for help. (Sponsor accounts are an exception to this rule)

Notice Rules Being Broken?
Report it! Click the exclamation icon (report) on the offending topic or reply. Be sure to provide a quick message as to why you reported the post. Using report is the quickest way to get a post noticed by all of the moderators and admins. Only report topics or replies that definitely break a rule above, if you waste our time reporting topics that don't break any rules you may be excluded from using this feature in the future.

Signature and Avatar Rules

The rules may be revised or added to in the future if necessary.
Last edited by Matt on Fri Dec 04, 2009 12:57 pm, edited 13 times in total.
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Postby Matt » Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:30 pm

Forum Etiquette
These are some guidelines that will help you get along better with the moderators and the rest of the people who frequent the boards.

Guide to the Airsoft Pacific Forums:

First off, Welcome to Airsoft Pacific. We hope your visits here will be as entertaining and informative as they are plentiful. For the last half a decade we've served as a hub for the ever-growing northwest airsoft community and we're happy to have you here with us. This guide is meant to help you to learn some of the processes of posting on the Airsoft Pacific forums. If you want people to take you seriously and treat you with respect read this guide and adhere to it's message.

1. LOOK BEFORE YOU LEAP. All too often we see the same exact questions come up from new members (What AEG should I get? What gear should I get? Is x better than y? When's the next game?) take a moment to look through the forums to see if there's already a thread on the topic you're interested in. We have a search feature, make use of it. If you post a thread that already exists, expect to gain some flak for it. Additionally, some forums have "stickied" threads at the top (like this thread), these usually contain valuable or frequently sought-after information so make sure to read those before posting. Many members of any forum find 'lurking' for a couple weeks extremely beneficial to their status within the community. Lurking is simply withdrawing from posting or replying to threads until you get a good feel for the atmosphere allowing you to better fit into certain niche.

2. USE PROPER GRAMMAR AND FORUM ETIQUETTE. By visiting and participating in these forums, you've choosen to use type as your medium of dialog. In doing so you have the responsibility to properly convey your message. If your posts look like they've either been typed by a second grader or by your cat running across the keyboard, certain members here will grow to dislike you. For the most part we're all adults here, or at least in High School. There is no reason we should have to re-read your posts because it's one giant sentence with no punctuation, or because we got confused when "you're" was misplaced by "your". Also please note that; "U" is not "you" and "R" is not "are".

3. DO NOT NECROPOST. Necroposting is when you bring a thread which has been inactive for an extended period of time (2+ weeks) back to the top of the forum because of a reply. If you don't have anything EXTREMELY valuable to add to a thread which has been inactive for awhile DO NOT POST IN IT. Exceptions to this would be if you're replying to a periodical thread like "Your latest acquisition" or on-going photo and video threads.

4. DON'T REPEAT PREVIOUS STATEMENTS. If a non-opinion based question is asked and answered, do not simply reply to repeat that answer or statement unless you have more information to add.

5. YOU ARE NOT A BEAUTIFUL AND UNIQUE SNOWFLAKE. You are the same decaying organic matter as everyone else. Do not come onto these boards thinking you're hot shit, we'll let you know when you are. Attempting to flaunt and parade your "uber skillz" on these boards will just serve to label you as ignorant. Prior military experience means very little in the world of airsoft, we've seen plenty of Marines and other service members flaunt their dossier over and over only to be taken out by a pimple-faced teenager.

6. OFF-TOPIC FORUMS. The Off-Topic Forum serve as a catch-all for the inevitible distracting threads. It's there mainly as a form of entertainment and to keep the rest of the boards functioning. Threads and articles found within the Off-Topic Forum are often considered crude and it would be advised not to visit these threads in sensative areas such as the workplace or on your grandmother's laptop. If you are easily offended, we suggest staying away from here or at least get to know the other members of the boards before you do so.

7. HAVE FUN. Don't take this stuff too seriously, it's a hobby we all enjoy. We're mostly all friends here, this is a tightknit community of people, so lets keep it that way.

If these guidelines are followed there should be no one here that'll treat you with hostility, unless there's just something REALLY wrong with you. ;)

Again we would like to welcome you into our community, and we hope you stay with us for the long run.

Happy Posting,
Airsoft Pacific Staff

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Last edited by Matt on Wed Feb 15, 2006 9:40 pm, edited 4 times in total.
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