Hello from Stagg

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Hello from Stagg

Postby stagg » Mon Nov 30, 2015 8:05 pm

I guess the title says it all.

A bit about me;

-From: Kansas City
-Name: is Steve
-job: Concrete Inspector. (no really)
-Dream job: None. As in no job at all :badgrin:

Who cares what I have been doing for the last ten years. That is water under the bridge.
The interesting part is what I am doing now, with a couple of my buddies from OP:Eastwind.

We decided to use our hardwon knowledge and experience from that event, to create a new event, that runs three days (with an option for only two) and gives people a chance to use their skills, and experience.
Good at what you do? Never get to flaunt your fancy skills at a game due the mere 8 hr duration? Come check us out.
I hope that this event becomes a place where all the "other" roles get to show off a bit.
Medics will have a grand time doing medical stuff.
Sniper type folks may lament the lack of sniper weapons, but the role of reconnaissance is more important here than almost anywhere else. If the enemy can not be found then the gun-totting players have nothing to shoot at (or worse they walk into an ambush from those sneaky bastards)

I suppose that is more of an advertisement that an intro. So I will end it with my actual dream job.... getting paid (giant piles of money) to play airsoft. Dream on!
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Re: Hello from Stagg

Postby ClownBaby » Tue Dec 01, 2015 4:28 pm

"Will you walk with me out on the wire, cuz baby I'm just a scared and lonely rider" - The Boss
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Re: Hello from Stagg

Postby T-Time » Thu Dec 03, 2015 4:42 pm

Welcome to AP. Sounds like u got a great event planned! :beltfed:
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Re: Hello from Stagg

Postby Darius137 » Fri Dec 04, 2015 6:31 pm


Best part of a sell is getting the product out there. What's the event, where is it? Is there a link to it. I know people who loved Eastwind, so that's a good background.
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Re: Hello from Stagg

Postby stagg » Sun Dec 06, 2015 7:24 pm

We have got a regular ol' boring announcement up here on AP.
Swift Fox 16

But the long and short of it is:

Oklahoma at the D-Day Adventure park. 25-27 March 2016.
-We are going to try and move the location each year, or as often as we can get a suitable site. The idea being, nobody automatically knows where all the good spots are. No local advantage, or home court tricks.
-Its shorter than Eastwind, because that is all the time we can cram into a weekend, and more than that requires A LOT more infrastructure, and we can tell you all about the cost of those tents from EW.
-Its got less gear for the same reasons, and MORE importantly, we are not re-enacting anything. We totally made up every aspect. It is based loosely on 3rd world armies (many of which are very professional) but there is no stitch-police around for this one!
-We are trying to make a "thinking game." One where planning is actually worth doing. Where the skilled people get to do good work.... it will be challenging, and you may not win every fight. But the reward for winning in this environment is much greater than at a normal "bury the enemy in weight of numbers" type of game.
-We are going to try and move the location each year, or as often as we can get a suitable site. The idea being, nobody automatically knows where all the good spots are. No local advantage, or home court tricks.

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