R/B Tarkov Style event

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R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby Rentax » Thu Dec 03, 2020 6:25 pm

Cross posting this from facebook in hopes of having a bit more of a conversation about it here.

I've been working with Blue Airsoft TV on developing an event that I'm excited to try out. Were definitely in the planning stages, but I wanted to get some feedback from you guys to see how many players out there are interested in an event of this type.
Borrowing heavily from the game "Escape From Tarkov" we're thinking a hardcore game, with a more aggressive inventory management / loot system, heavy RPG and LARPsoft elements.
Vaguely story line driven, in the way that you wont have get all the information in the beginning but have to figure things out as you figure out how to survive through individual raids and through the event.
Let us know if this sounds like something you would be interested in attending and any questions you may have and I'll post updates here as we move forward.
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Re: R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby Sniper02 » Fri Dec 04, 2020 7:56 am

I would be interested depending on the price and where it is located.
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Re: R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby Rentax » Mon Dec 07, 2020 2:13 pm

We are still working on game play stuff and pricing is usually done after all that, but my guess is probably in the $20-$50 range, depending on the location and the interest we can generate. In terms of fields, again, game play needs to come first, but it will be either Sniperzden or Camp R&R. Both have advantages, but both are very different in terms of size and terrain, so figuring out how to utilize the field best for this type of game is important.

What are you thoughts? Do you like one of these fields better than the other, If so why?
How much do you think a game like this should cost, and why?
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Re: R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby Norseman » Tue Dec 08, 2020 2:49 pm

Rentax wrote:Cross posting this from facebook in hopes of having a bit more of a conversation about it here.

I've been working with Blue Airsoft TV on developing an event that I'm excited to try out. Were definitely in the planning stages, but I wanted to get some feedback from you guys to see how many players out there are interested in an event of this type.
Borrowing heavily from the game "Escape From Tarkov" we're thinking a hardcore game, with a more aggressive inventory management / loot system, heavy RPG and LARPsoft elements.
Vaguely story line driven, in the way that you wont have get all the information in the beginning but have to figure things out as you figure out how to survive through individual raids and through the event.
Let us know if this sounds like something you would be interested in attending and any questions you may have and I'll post updates here as we move forward.

I like immersion. I’ve been working on my own LARP and what will be permissible to “loot” versus private property.

Plus there will be spaceship parts scattered about in which a 3 way race will ensue to ensemble said parts in order to escape.

I think ANY event that reduces focus on simply shooting each other >>>>>> respawn >>>>>>> shoot each other >>>>>>> rinse,wash,repeat? Is a HUGE win for airsoft.

I think the magic of airsoft is the transportation of the mind to another place and time. Like being sucked into a movie screen. And I truly believe that airsoft has only scratched the surface of genres available to us.

Good luck on your venture!
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Re: R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby Rentax » Tue Dec 08, 2020 6:37 pm

Thanks Norseman,
Yes we have been working on what's loot-able and what's not for our game as well. We are going to supply ammo, so we can regulate what's on the field, which means any ammo in mags and speed loaders WILL be a loot-able. We are talking about using tape to mark and item as secure to an individual player, so it cannot be looted.

LARP has such a specific connotation to it, but really a lot of Airsoft is at it's core "LARP basic". You're playing the role of a soldier on the battle field... We move that idea a little bit, say a CQC competition, now you have a role and extra rule sets to follow. it's not a far stretch to getting into character and playing a role. the rules become a bit more complex, but if you are up for a challenge then LARPSoft is easily attainable.

Hey nothing wrong with shoot'em up, die, respawn... Doug Liman made a whole movie based on that idea... (live, die, repeat: edge of tomorrow)
But I know what you are getting at. It's about using airsoft as a form of story telling. The events job is to immerse you in the world of the story and invite you, the player, to really take part in that story. As a player, your job becomes make choices within that world that make sense, and to really enjoy your time in that place with those people. At that point, depending on the game, winning or loosing can even take a backseat to the story you are helping to tell. It can be a pretty amazing experience.

Back in the day here on AP a lot of event hosts encouraged event commanders to take on their characters and really take part in the "festivities" (shall we call them) leading up the the events. They call their teams players to the charge. (Jokingly) Trash talk the other team, and even post up fake propaganda images and videos, It helped immerse the players into the world before we got to the field, so that once we were there we had an idea about what the event story was. And often had a good idea who our commander was and what they were doing to be like on the field. It helped with the immersions of an event, even if it was just a pew pew, die, repeat, kind of game. It also build up camaraderie within your own forces because you all now had something in common, you were all able to live through the really bad trash talk.

Anyway. I'm off on a tangent like an old dude talking about shit no one cares about...
(Cause I'm an old dude... talking about... eh, I think you get it)

Best of luck on you game as well Norseman. I hope to make it out your way and try out one of your event, one of these days.
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Re: R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby Norseman » Tue Dec 08, 2020 8:26 pm

Rentax wrote:Thanks Norseman,
Yes we have been working on what's loot-able and what's not for our game as well. We are going to supply ammo, so we can regulate what's on the field, which means any ammo in mags and speed loaders WILL be a loot-able. We are talking about using tape to mark and item as secure to an individual player, so it cannot be looted.

LARP has such a specific connotation to it, but really a lot of Airsoft is at it's core "LARP basic". You're playing the role of a soldier on the battle field... We move that idea a little bit, say a CQC competition, now you have a role and extra rule sets to follow. it's not a far stretch to getting into character and playing a role. the rules become a bit more complex, but if you are up for a challenge then LARPSoft is easily attainable.

Hey nothing wrong with shoot'em up, die, respawn... Doug Liman made a whole movie based on that idea... (live, die, repeat: edge of tomorrow)
But I know what you are getting at. It's about using airsoft as a form of story telling. The events job is to immerse you in the world of the story and invite you, the player, to really take part in that story. As a player, your job becomes make choices within that world that make sense, and to really enjoy your time in that place with those people. At that point, depending on the game, winning or loosing can even take a backseat to the story you are helping to tell. It can be a pretty amazing experience.

Back in the day here on AP a lot of event hosts encouraged event commanders to take on their characters and really take part in the "festivities" (shall we call them) leading up the the events. They call their teams players to the charge. (Jokingly) Trash talk the other team, and even post up fake propaganda images and videos, It helped immerse the players into the world before we got to the field, so that once we were there we had an idea about what the event story was. And often had a good idea who our commander was and what they were doing to be like on the field. It helped with the immersions of an event, even if it was just a pew pew, die, repeat, kind of game. It also build up camaraderie within your own forces because you all now had something in common, you were all able to live through the really bad trash talk.

Anyway. I'm off on a tangent like an old dude talking about shit no one cares about...
(Cause I'm an old dude... talking about... eh, I think you get it)

Best of luck on you game as well Norseman. I hope to make it out your way and try out one of your event, one of these days.

Gunny’s performance as a 3rd world dictator in Gallant Saber 2 was epic. He had a French Kepi hat on and a fancy saber. And he was executing UN blue beret soldiers because his demands were not being met!

Out of all my years of airsoft on the west coast? That was THE best performance ever!

Take care bud and I also wanna start traveling for some games. Back surgery Jan. 6th. So hopefully by Feb. or March.
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Re: R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby Sniper02 » Thu Dec 10, 2020 12:24 pm

Rentax wrote:We are still working on game play stuff and pricing is usually done after all that, but my guess is probably in the $20-$50 range, depending on the location and the interest we can generate. In terms of fields, again, game play needs to come first, but it will be either Sniperzden or Camp R&R. Both have advantages, but both are very different in terms of size and terrain, so figuring out how to utilize the field best for this type of game is important.

What are you thoughts? Do you like one of these fields better than the other, If so why?
How much do you think a game like this should cost, and why?

I played at Camp R&R during the last Santa's War and found it was very hard to snipe. It would be good at CQB but I think Sniperzden is better since it has CQB and is also very open with big objects to hide behind. You could possibly get people to pay around $100 since you will be having people use bbs you provide. One thing that would decide the price is how long will the event be? Like will it be a 24hour event like some MILSIM West games or just a single day? If it is just a single day then you could probably put the price around $50.
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Re: R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby Rentax » Fri Dec 18, 2020 4:03 pm

Thanks for the feed back,

Camp R&R is an interesting field. It's on the smaller size in terms of local fields, and is overall pretty flat, with a mix between heavy forested to lightly forested areas, a couple clearings, several vehicle sized roads, and the village area it offers a good mix of for many play styles. However most of the trees in the area are deciduous trees so they loose their cover in late fall and that drastically changes the field. So not surprising that in December with with 120 players, on a field that is best suited for less than 80 that running a sniper rifle would be difficult, Especially if it was your first time out there...

But more about our event...

This first event will be more of a proof of concept for us so we will be looking at a single day event probably 8-10 hours, as a test run, we will do a bunch of AAR's with the players who come out, to talk about what worked and what needs to be changed. If people like it, we will do more and grow the event from there... but we need to get the game on it's feet before we start dreaming big. This proof of concept event is going to be a massive undertaking in itself. With a base staff of 12 and that doesn't include field actors, just to give you an idea.

The Tarkov inspired event will be very different than a force on force event like Santa's wars. For starters we will have a evolving persistent world AO. This means that the AO will be populated by actors. They will have the freedom to move about in the AO and respond to in game events as their character would. They will respond to ques such as but not limited to gunfire, gunfire proximity, and sustain-ment of fire. These ques will illicit an individual response based on their character and character level. Characters may be Scavengers, Guards or Bosses and will each react different, based on their "relationship to PMCs"

As for the Players...
Each player will be a PMC hired to complete missions in the AO. We will be running a Raid system, so throughout the day PMCs will signup for times to enter the AO and be given a specific amount of time they are allowed in the AO. While in Raid PMCs will attempt to complete missions, grab lot-able items, and exfil safely before their time limit is up. It will be up to them how to complete the missions and to figure out how to survive. Keep in mind that multiple Infil and Exfil locations will be in play and multiple PMCs or PMC groups will be in raid at any given time. Interactions between PMC groups will also be up to each group individually. because PMC's may have loot-able items on them as well.

If you successfully exfil from a raid, you will be able to keep your loot as well as gain rewards for completing missions. Rewards can range from in game money, items to help complete future missions, or special perks that will help you be more successful in future raids.

Death is pretty sever at this event. First off any missions you may have completed prior to dying will have to be redone. You will loose items collected or taken into raid with you. Loot-able items can be looted by others during your bleed out time, and if they are not when you exit the field you will turn them over to an admin. I know I mentioned that Ammo was going to be harder to come by at this event, well if you die you will also loose any ammo you took into raid with you. You will then roll for your death debuf, which will not allow you to sign up for another raid for a short period of time. After that you will have to re-purchase (with in game money) your next load out before going into raid again.

"What if I die enough I go broke... Will I be out of the game" You ask, we have a few contingency plans for that, but you're not going to like them either.

Ammo... everyone's starting ammo stash will be around 160 rounds, and although ammo will be a loot able item, there will be very specific circumstances surrounding the in game transportation of ammo.

Loot-able Items...
This won't be a grab as much loot as you want and go type of game. We are going implement a slot inventory style system for this game. Each player will have a base inventory number. As you select your load out those items take up slots in your inventory. For this example we will used a base number of 30 and you choose to take an assault rifle, 2 mags for your assault rifle, a pistol, 1 standard pistol mags, and a small med kit.
Assault riffle platform = 8 slots
standard assault rifle mag = 2 slots (x2)
pistol = 2 slots
standard pistol mag= 1 slot
small med kit = 1 slot
that's a total of 16 slots with a base of 30 slots means you have 14 slots available for picking up items in raid... We will assign each loot-able item a slot number based on the size and weight of the item. It is up to you as a player to make sure you are not "overweight" if you are overweight when you exit raid you may loose items and you will take a debuf which will not allow you to sign up for another raid for a short period of time.
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Re: R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby Sniper02 » Fri Dec 18, 2020 11:18 pm

Sounds like a lot of fun. Can't wait to see when the dates are so I can plan for it.
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Re: R/B Tarkov Style event

Postby ThatGnomeGuy » Sun Jan 31, 2021 6:29 pm

I think that all of the LARPsoft stuff sounds pretty cool. It's part of what got my interest piqued in the first place ...
Please keep us posted, as I look forward to hearing more and would love to be in on the Beta session.
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