Need some help from the GP30/BG15 owners

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Need some help from the GP30/BG15 owners

Postby Nox » Mon Sep 05, 2011 11:34 pm

Well, Ive asked before without response, so I'm asking again - I need some help from the owners of BG-15 or GP-30 AK grenade launcher owners out there - I have one, but lost the release trigger for the grenades, so I cant load one and hold it in the launcher. I've contacted every manufacturer out there I can find that makes them, with no avail on trying to get a replacement part (no responses from most, CAW wants 23 bucks for a new arm, but I cant get them to email me back..) I was wondering if ANYone with slight mechanical know-how could push the little pin from their arm, take it out, and photograph it for me?

I'm a machinist, so I plan on making my own arm, but the only photo I have is at a 3/4 angle and I cant get good dimensions off of it so I can remake it.
So..Is anyone out there willing to do this please? I'd love to have a working launcher, but this one's been a paperweight for nearly a year!
It's easy to do - hold the arm with one finger, push the pin out, be careful of the spring as you release the arm (so it doesn't get lost) and put the arm on its side on a piece of white paper (for resolution) and snap 2 pictures of it, post it here, and get my undying gratefulness! Simple reverse procedure to put it back in..easy peasy.

Here's the only picture I can find for it:

Top of the page, labeled "BG-15 steel cart catch"..
That's not enough of a picture to take dimensions from, so if I could get a top-down picture of it I would be immensely grateful!!

Thanks for any help
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Postby crazydemon » Tue Sep 06, 2011 7:47 am

I have to ask, now that you do have a picture why you can 't take the dimensions from the launcher itself. I mean if your a machinist using your calipers shouldn't be to hard, and coming up with your own drawing should be pretty easy as well. As a machinist that what i would do.
I can't outrun the bullet. So I might as well stay to face it.
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Postby Nox » Tue Sep 06, 2011 9:18 am

I have tried, but the angles and curves along the spine and face of the piece aren't clear - which is why I am asking for a picture of it from the top down.
I have the width being 3/16 inches wide, I'll be checking the pin hole diameter with a gauge pin today at work, but other than that, the low res picture with hazy definition (at least when blown up to measurable size in photoshop) is slowing the process.
I dont have free reign on the machines at work, so I am looking for the best info I can get to get the part done right the first time.
The only dimesnion the launcher has is witdh of the slot where the part goes in, otherwise it's all a blind measure.

I'm not a novice to taking measurements off of pictures, I made a replica of a Renzetti Master series fly tying vise from 2 dimensions on the base, but I had a positive side profile to measure from. That's all I am asking for help with now.
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