Portland laws, residential neighborhood

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Portland laws, residential neighborhood

Postby d3c0n » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:22 pm

so I live in Portland, and my friends and I air soft in my friends yard and we live in a residential neighborhood, he has a large yard… anyways, his neighbor started to yell at us and said that if a BB went in his yard it was trespassing, so I was curios what the laws are in Portland, and residential neighborhoods, the BB’s weren’t going in his yard he was just a tool and thought we were going to hit his young daughter
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Postby Silent » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:35 pm

Honestly, I don't know about the laws for the city of Portland, but common sense tells me to keep airsoft to an airsoft field... Especially in an urban residential area like you are talking about.
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Postby Riddick » Mon Apr 25, 2005 6:53 pm

I believe it is considered a firearm in the city and you could be arrested for it or fined. Troy/Casca??
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Re: Portland laws, residential neighborhood

Postby Matt » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:04 pm

Whether he's a tool or not, city ordinance says that Portland PD can take away your AEGs if you discharge them within city limits. It's against the law to fire any type of air gun or firearm within city limits, and that includes Airsoft. It's generally a bad idea to play Airsoft in an urban area, for the fact that the police can take away your AEGs, and people on this board will probably go to jail for beating you to a bloody pulp for bringing bad press to Airsoft.
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Postby Nox » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:16 pm

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Postby d3c0n » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:17 pm

well, we have been playing at this kid house a lot he was the first to be a phony pony about us, but I was filming a school movie at Mt. Tabor park with air soft guns not shooting them but just using them as props... but the park people came and said the cops would "shoot first ask questions later" but they said we could film if we called them ahead of time, but it is illegal to have them in Portland parks, but that’s bull shit that the cops can take your guns, I am the only one out of my friends that has an AEG, can you not fire the air soft guns on private property
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Postby AKbandit » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:23 pm

yup it's a nono in Ptown just look up the city's gun laws there are alot of them.
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Re: Portland laws, residential neighborhood

Postby Catch22 » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:27 pm

Bullshit or not it's the law. People have had thier replicas confiscated before. Don't take your replicas to a park or school. It's best not to play inside city limits. You can get in alot of trouble, and shazaam things up for others aswell.
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Postby AKbandit » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:33 pm

Not to mention possibly get your a$$ shot!
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Re: Portland laws, residential neighborhood

Postby Radduski » Mon Apr 25, 2005 7:35 pm

Dantes";p="8113 wrote:It's generally a bad idea to play Airsoft in an urban area, for the fact that the police can take away your AEGs, and people on this board will probably go to jail for beating you to a bloody pulp for bringing bad press to Airsoft.

Sound advice. Weither its private property or not, you are discharging a firearm within the Portland City limits, which is against the law (It doesnt matter if you concider your replica a true firearm. The police do). Just find a better place to play. Better yet, come out to one of the games posted on these forums. Once you play in one of those games, you'll probobly be hooked and would rather play at them than someones backyard anyway.

As Dantes said, if you're caught by police using airsoft replicas within the city limits, it could really bring some bad press to airsoft. If this happens enough, more restrictive laws may be put in place in regards to airsoft. There have already been too many incidents with kids firing their replicas out of car windows, at pedestrians, animals, etc...
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Re: Portland laws, residential neighborhood

Postby Silent » Mon Apr 25, 2005 8:33 pm

Dantes";p="8113 wrote:and people on this board will probably go to jail for beating you to a bloody pulp for bringing bad press to Airsoft.

*gets the big stick*


:) <--- Now you all know about my big stick XD
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Postby Rogue Reaper » Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:04 pm

The fact that you would take a Replica of a firearm to a park that is in such a Liberal area shows that you are either rather young or the alternative. Why not just go to Pioneer Courthouse Square ( Thats Sarcasm By the Way ).

I know you like your airsoft. As do i. I love showing my gear to people. I drag people to the armory when they visit to show off stuff. What you need to realise is that there are mindless slugs out there that would rather tell you how you can live your life than to go out and live there own. These people would like nothing better than to show a person in a public place with something that looks like a real firearm on TV and say how these kinds of hobbies are destroying the values of our country. This while they drive Ford expiditions running on Iraqi Oil and phony pony about Or troops liberating the people of that country who up untill a few months ago had to woorry about being dragged of the street an tortured for thing alot less invasive than taking a replica of a firearm into a public place.

Please use common sense anytime you take your airsoft Replica out of the closet.

When I lived in town I used to close the drapes before I did room clearing exercises in my SWAT team underoos. Thats right we all do it, I am man enough to admit it!!

Well think about this a bit. I am not comming down on you. I am just trying to give you food for thought.

i think the Cat has a Improvised Explosive Devise, Murphy Murphy Murphy!

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Re: Portland laws, residential neighborhood

Postby pittsmen » Mon Apr 25, 2005 9:57 pm

Wow dont spare us the right wing political propoganda please continue! Remember kiddies the liberals are the cause of all the worlds problems. So do as the Republicans do, be a patriot kill a priest!

Oh and also as for airsoft laws in portland, I feel nervous just driving with my replicas secured in my gun case. There is very little leeway and it is not worth the risk that you take by going into public with your replicas.
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Postby d3c0n » Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:05 pm

yeah I understand everything you guys have said, thanks for your in put, I do understand that I live in a really liberal area of town and people are bleeding ignorant, at this point me and my friends will probably keep playing in his yard a bit, we have told his neighbors cept the ones up on the next block..... Yeah I am stupid teenager; it’s to fun to stop now
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Postby Eyes On » Mon Apr 25, 2005 10:37 pm

Portland City Code 14a.10.010(I) defines a firearm as follows:
Firearm: a pistol, revolver, gun, rifle, or other mechanism, including a miniature weapon, which projects a missile or shot by force of gunpowder or any other explosive, by spring or by compressed air.

14A.60.010 Possession of a Loaded Firearm in a Public Place.
A. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly possess or carry a firearm, in or upon a public place, including while in a vehicle in a public place, recklessly having failed to remove all the ammunition from the firearm.

B. It is unlawful for any person to knowingly possess or carry a firearm and that firearm’s clip or magazine, in or upon a public place, including while in a vehicle in a public place, recklessly having failed to remove all the ammunition from the clip or magazine.

C. The following are exceptions and constitute affirmative defenses to a violation of this Section:

1. A police officer or other duly appointed peace officers, whether active or honorably retired.

2. A member of the military in the performance of official duty.

3. A person licensed to carry a concealed handgun.

4. A person authorized to possess a loaded firearm while in or on a public building under ORS 166.370.

5. A government employee authorized or required by his or her employment or office to carry firearms.

6. A person summoned by a police officer to assist in making arrests or preserving the peace, while such person is actually engaged in assisting the officer.

7. A merchant who possesses or is engaged in lawfully transporting unloaded firearms as merchandise.

8. Organizations which are by law authorized to purchase or receive weapons from the United States or from this state.

9. Duly authorized military or civil organizations while parading, or their members when going to and from the places of meeting of their organization.

10. A corrections officer while transporting or accompanying an individual convicted of or arrested for an offense and confined in a place of incarceration or detention while outside the confines of the place of incarceration or detention.

11. Persons travelling to and from an established target range, whether public or private, for the purpose of practicing shooting targets at the target ranges.

12. Licensed hunters or fishermen while engaged in hunting or fishing, or while going to or returning from a hunting or fishing expedition.

13. A person authorized by permit of the Chief of Police to possess a loaded firearm, clip, or magazine in a public place in the City of Portland.

14. A security guard employed at a financial institution insured by the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation while the security guard is on duty.

D. It is unlawful for any person who possesses a firearm, clip or magazine in or upon a public place, or while in a vehicle in a public place, to refuse to permit a police officer to inspect that firearm after the police officer has identified him or herself as a police officer. This Section does not apply to law enforcement officers or members of the military in the performance of official duties, nor persons licensed to carry a concealed handgun or persons authorized to possess a loaded firearm, clip or magazine while in or on a public building or court facility.

14A.60.020 Discharge of a Firearm. - Printable Version

(Amended by Ordinance No. 178428, effective May 26, 2004.)

A. It is unlawful for any person to discharge a firearm in the City or upon its boundaries.

B. This Section does not apply to:
1. A person discharging a firearm in the lawful defense of person or property;

2. A person discharging a firearm on a public or private shooting range, shooting gallery, or other area designed, built, and lawfully operating for the purpose of target shooting;

3. A person conducting an athletic contest who fires blank ammunition toward the sky;

4. A person authorized to fire blank ammunition as part of military or police ceremonies;

5. A person authorized by permit of the Chief of Police to discharge blank ammunition for a lawful purpose;

6. Hunter safety instructors of the Oregon State Game Commission or their pupils who are engaged in hunter safety training classes sponsored by the Commission;

7. A police officer in the performance of official duty;

8. Employees or contractors of the Port of Portland engaged in flight safety hazard abatement at and around Portland International Airport to comply with FAR Part 139.337.

So yeah, playing in someones back yard is against the law.

OK, as for the other issues:

It's not "Trespassing", it is "Committing a Trespass". Think of "The Lords Prayer" ie "...as we forgive those who have trespassed against us". "Trespass" is an actual damage to property.

However, it's irrelevant. What you ARE doing is creating a nuisance for the neighbor. He has the right to wander around his yard and enjoy his property without the fear of being nailed by a stray bb. If you think he's being a tool now, you should see what he does when he or someone in his family gets hit with one of those bb's. I personally think that he's being rather cool about it by not calling 5-0 on you.

Do we even need to discuss bringing something that is legally defined by the city as a firearm into a public space, or better yet, on to public property without the expressed consent of the Portland Chief of Police?

My advice to you: Don't play in the yard anymore. Don't play anywhere that bystanders can see you playing, or might get hit. I'd also tell your buddy to appologize to the neighbor and thank him for not calling the po-po on you guys.

My Two Cents.
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