Camp Rilea Closed

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Camp Rilea Closed

Postby Peaches » Sat Dec 08, 2018 1:53 am

Hey I heard that Camp Rilea is closed down to us now, any updates.?

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Re: Camp Rilea Closed

Postby Rentax » Sat Dec 08, 2018 10:29 pm

Marine flairs are colored orange or red and are used on boats to signal the coast guard when someone needs help. Camp Rilea is located on the beach, and therefore they have a pretty hard and fast no red or orange smoke policy. Unfortunately at the last Warsport NW event held out there, event though it was expressly stated in the rule book, someone chose to pop red or orange smoke. Warsport took the hit for this and I believe he was told he won't be allowed back. (But I don't know the specifics of what exactly he was told) So for the time being yes, Camp Rilea is not too keen on having airsofters out there. It's possible another host could attempt to host out there, but Rilea is a government run facility (that has never been excited to have airsofters out there in the first place) and the hoops one has to jump through to host an event out there are quite extensive. Warsport NW had learned these hoops as he was hosting out there pretty regularly, but for a new host it means figuring it all out.
So for right now, No more Warsport NW games, and we don't really know what the future holds for Airsoft at camp rilea.
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Re: Camp Rilea Closed

Postby Vernichtung » Tue Dec 11, 2018 2:22 pm

Maybe you guys should open up monthly sniperzden games again. Alot of us are disappointed with the lack of sniperzden games nowadays.
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Re: Camp Rilea Closed

Postby drpepper475 » Tue Dec 11, 2018 5:58 pm

There needs to be more in the community stepping up and hosting games and events in general.
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