Old Noob Returns

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Old Noob Returns

Postby ReconGeek » Mon Oct 23, 2023 8:31 am

Hey all,

It's been almost 12 years since I first even heard about airsoft and joined the forums.

I'm still very much a noob, but this time I am bringing my 13yo son along, well actually he brought me back. Over the past month or so my son brought up airsoft and wants to play with some kids at school, and asked if I was also interested in playing some times. I told him there is more to airsoft then taking his cheep spring replicas from Cabela's and shooting around at his buddies and at targets in the back yard. Over the past couple of weeks he has been researching replicas, where to play and etc...

On Saturday I took him to SF Airsoft in OC, and gave him a chance to check out all the replicas he has been looking at online. And I got the bug too, and want to get into it for real this time, vs 12 years ago when I didn't have a lot of time to actually play due to having a young kid and then that one was followed by another baby. We will hopefully get out to a field and do a few games with rental replicas this coming week, any suggestions on the best field to get started on?
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Re: Old Noob Returns

Postby gamehero » Mon Oct 23, 2023 10:48 am

I started at an Action Acres OP, very fun for my first time out, and it was my cousin's first game too.
Rentals are available as well
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Re: Old Noob Returns

Postby Dennis - Crossbow » Fri Oct 27, 2023 3:57 pm

I would agree, Action Acres especially if you are close to Oregon City its a good start. Lots of different age groups and levels and they run a tight game.

I'm actually going to bet there tomorrow along with a few of our sponsored team, Phantom Fury. If you and your son decide to make it out please say hi!

Action acres

Thank you,
Dennis "Crossbow"

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