Scenario Briefings and Tactics Talks

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Scenario Briefings and Tactics Talks

Postby jvangeld » Thu Mar 14, 2024 3:21 pm

This year I am hosting a monthly airsoft club on my family's property. We have a lot of new players. So I have been addressing the group as they get their gear ready. Talking about the scenario, or certain aspects of tactics.

On past teams, the leaders wanted everyone to get 100% ready, and then take a knee to listen to the briefing. This is a great goal and excellent mil-sim. But it isn't a very realistic expectation. Players have to figure out which of their old batteries will work today. They have to find the goggles that they lost in their backpack. And they talk. There is a whole lot of talking, about past exploits, about the mods to their guns. And that's just part of the game. I figure that if we are playing within 40 minutes of the first person to arrive we are making really good time.

So, while they are getting ready, I will pipe up and tell them about the CTF variant that we will play. Or our bandage rules. Or, "Move, shoot or talk." I have to repeat myself because they aren't all paying attention. But that happens anyways.

Now, I have been the guy with all my gear sorted, who can arrive and be ready to play in five minutes. (Back when I ran springs-only) So I know that it can be frustrating to wait. For those guys I set up a run 'n gun course. That way they can get out there and have some fun if they feel like it.
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Re: Scenario Briefings and Tactics Talks

Postby Dennis - Crossbow » Sun Mar 17, 2024 10:17 am

The airsoft community has changed over the years and its important to adapt, that applies to game play as well as briefings. It's good to see you are adapting.

When I got into airsoft my son was 12 ... actually he got me into airsoft :D One of the things I did like was there was some structure, and I think its important to main a certain level of structure and discipline. I have also found that when properly applied it is appreciated by most and always a good life lesson.

There should be ample time for the player to talk and BS prior to your game and safety briefing, that all part of the fun.
While I don't think you need to take a knee, the players attention and respecting you is important. As you know screaming at the players gains you nothing. Safety briefings are very important to pay attention to, especially if you have new players 8)

It sounds like you know your player base, and that important, I just wanted to share my thoughts. Best of luck with your events and always remember to have fun :raddue:

Please post any event you have coming up I'm sure others would be interested :rockon:
Thank you,
Dennis "Crossbow"

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