How to start your own team. For Newbs edition.

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How to start your own team. For Newbs edition.

Postby Variable » Tue Nov 02, 2010 12:46 pm

How to start your own team. For Newbs Edition.

So you noticed that all the cool kids are on teams. You've noticed that you can do a ton more damage as a team.
You have two options now, join an existing team or start one of your own. For whatever reason you don't want to join an existing team.

Here's what you need to know to try to start a successful team.

-Don't bother if there is only you. You need a core of founding members to start a successful team because no other GDI is going to want to throw their hat in with a one man team. You and 4+ friends who are on the same page about what you want out of airsoft and want to work together is a great starting core for a team.

-Get uniforms. You don't have to buy all new expensive uber-cam uniforms with awesome gear. Just make sure everyone on your team is going to wear the same camo. This makes you identifiable on the field and makes it easier to integrate in games.

-Don't worry too much about gear. Until you're established its best to keep gear requirements simple and cost effective. AEG, Mags, Web gear, boots, uniform, eye protection.

-Don't worry about your name. Everyone wants to be uber-leet delta black ops sniper rangers, but advertising it just makes you sound like some jackass that spends too much time playing FPS games. Once again, keep it simple and easily remembered. Also keep in mind whether your Acronym is already used for something else.

-Recruiting on AP and other forums is great and all, but it doesn't give you the same kind of visibility as being present at games and meeting people. If you meet a player that works well with you, don't hesitate to ask him if he is interested in joining. Meeting and recruiting players at games also helps you find players that are active in the same area of the community as you and your team.

-Team themes. If you play too many video games and watch too many movies you might have this awesome idea for a badass bunch of mofos. Then when you put it into airsoft you end up looking like every mismatched newb out on the field. Since this is milsim, consider who you are simulating. If you're simulating a military force, try to be as uniform as possible. If you're simulating a rebel force, insurgent force, paramilitary, etc, try to look the part of whatever group it is. The same goes for any pretend private military (although keep in mind the actual real life role of these forces. Hint: it isn't like it is in the movies). Learn how to search for inspiration and as reference.

-Write a charter. Yeah it sounds like work, but just do it. It doesn't have to be super complex, just state who you are, what membership means, what airsoft means to you, and any team rules you have. This will help you focus exactly what you're trying to do.

-Websites, logos, patches, etc. Keep it simple. Try to get your team up and going before you worry too much about ordering your patches and shit. A private free forum is useful for organizing stuff with your teammates.

-Announcing your team. Assuming you have all this stuff figured out and you're ready to announce the formation of Team Awesome Cougars on airsoft forums, remember to include the following crap in your intro/recruiting post:
--Current members and or current member count
--Team uniform, gear requirements
--A link to your charter, if you choose to share it
--Website, if you have one
--Personal requirements to join, and WHY people should want to join you
--Mention what events you've been to and what kind of events you will be at in the future

-If you have access to a field, have some practices. KISS. Shoot at imaginary enemies and practice moving as a group. It helps, really.

Hopefully now you can count the costs of starting a team, and avoid some internet ridicule for being a Newb. Good luck!
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Postby Matt » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:19 pm

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Postby Jester316 » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:25 pm

Matt wrote:Sticky.

Now that it's a sticky, no one will read it. Like the forum rules. Or the how not to be a noob.

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Postby Ash » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:37 pm

Great post Tim!

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Postby Lunchbox » Tue Nov 02, 2010 1:46 pm

Very nice!
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Postby Geschutz » Tue Nov 02, 2010 8:44 pm

I don't think it hurts to also try talking to leaders or founders of other teams for advice. Always good to know what makes larger teams successful.
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Postby Falcon7 » Tue Nov 02, 2010 9:14 pm

I'm writing a charter now dang it. Anybody want to add some advice on here?
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Postby Caribou » Mon Apr 18, 2011 9:45 pm

Great post i think I'll be using its help in the future.
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Postby SilentSniperNBK » Mon Oct 10, 2011 4:49 pm

Thanks very much that should help get my team off the ground
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