Looking for active team

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Looking for active team

Postby London_Bridge92 » Sat Jul 24, 2021 8:34 am

So still new being back into airsoft after many years of not playing. I am looking for an active team that plays frequently to be able to establish myself better. As it sits I've got one gun but am in the process of getting more. I'm waiting on more gear till I find out if a team has specific requirements. I am trying to be as active as possible. I am located in the Vancouver area and open to travel to games. Currently my only weekend day off is Sunday due to my job but have Monday and Tuesday off as well. If anybody plays consistently and is looking for a new member don't hesitate to message me with questions. I got nothing to hide and want to make sure I am a respectable member of the airsoft community.
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Re: Looking for active team

Postby Dennis - Crossbow » Sat Sep 25, 2021 10:41 am

When you are on the field don't be shy about asking to run with a team/group, worse case is they say no. Also its a great way to get known and see if your a good fit. Being on team is a 2-way street :D
Thank you,
Dennis "Crossbow"

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