Minors & Airsofting.

Airsoft safety discussion. Post here with questions about laws and safety concerns.

Postby Nark » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:25 pm

Icepick wrote:
thejerk211 wrote:
Icepick wrote:
Evil Zergling137 wrote:
RoBiNhOoD wrote:Being a 13 year old

Sorry, couldn't read past that part

This is ridiculous... We minors can all preach about stupid people our age, and say how we are better, etc. But to be honest, it doesn't matter! The only reason why this discussion involves minors is because the public eye consists of mostly uneducated adults. Therefore, "minors and airsoft" becomes the problem as opposed to "stupid people and airsoft."

Ok you have a stupid anime as you pic for one that says something about being smart. (nerd) Any way kids and gun have never really been a good idea. some adults should not even use airsoft. But because it has become popular we have to deal with them too. look i like allot of airsofters just want to have fun train and learn when we see kids running up to bunkers like R-tards. Then to top it off they have there miss matched every thing with there sweet sniper rifle. that they just pointed at you from ten feet away and lodged a 6mm BB in your flesh. that is why kids and airsoft suck. If that was any one else i would have the right to be angry. Say hey f**k face what the shit. But its a kid so "he didn't know any better" and yeah see how cool you look cussing out a kid. I mean i have done it before it just does not look good. Any way I just really liked it better when it was not adult and less kids. it was more fun.

So now I'm a "nerd" because I like a TV series? And you are trying to bash me because apperantly I'm trying to sound "smart?" I think before you even go on the field you should learn to type, as well as show some more respect. In my opinion, you should be one of those adults that loses their ability to airsoft. Mindless insults and being rude in general won't get you anywhere, don't act like an a$$...

@Mcnair: I wasn't really speaking in terms of liability, but more in a sense of this; "Is it really minors we should be concerned about, or stupid people?"

No. You are not a nerd for liking a tv series. YES. You are a nerd for liking anime. Before you go insulting someone older than you realize that they are an educated adult. I've trained with Jerk on multiple occasions and he isn't uneducated. He is completely right about kids not realizing when they are too close to shoot someone and I've never seen an older player shoot someone from that range except for when they knew the person they were shooting, different story and unrelated. The point is that many kids tend to forget the rules that the host goes over at the beginning of the game. Take some time and learn how to play properly. Attend a training session with one of the older teams, IF they will have you since most probably do not allow under 18 because of their lack of understanding, their tenedency to get butthurt when someone yells at them for making the same mistake over and over and because of the liability they pose if they fall and get hurt. He(Jerk) is right about yelling at kids. You have to do it sometimes cause they can be dumbasses and you do look like an a$$ yourself even though you are justified. On top of that kids like to tell their parents that the mean old man yelled at them. Kids cause more problems than you think.

RoBiNhOoD wrote:I apologize for the spelling. I just happened to be on my i-touch.

Now i beg upon you; please don't ban this sport for me. I love airsoft, and it is my favorite hobby. It isn't fair i should give it up, because idiots are irresponsible with their replicas.

I love this sport, and i should have the right to play it too.

Like mcnair said, life isn't fair and the many do get judged by the actions of a few. Live with it and be patient because a time will come where the many get judged by your actions and it will be up to you to behave appropriately.
Last edited by Nark on Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:30 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Nark wrote:This is gonna sound dickish but whatever I'll be that guy...
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Postby Nark » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:30 pm

well Nasty, 6 pages proves that's not the case but you go ahead and think that.
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Postby JohnnyBoii » Thu Nov 03, 2011 11:33 pm

Haha. People obviously care. There is still a discussion going. Like Nark said, 6 pages, and you think no one cares?
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Postby Ivan Daylovich™ » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:21 am

I don't care. Let's go shoot people.
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Postby The Tedi Way » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:31 am

There is obviously a problem, but don't get the government involved. Just look at Scotland and Australia. In Scotland you have to be an active member of an airsoft club to purchase a realistic airsoft replica, and in Australia airsoft is illegal(no matter how old you are). The problem with government control is that they probably don't want anyone to have realistic replicas at all and children are simply a tool. If you are a real steel shooter then you already know the government is not the guard dog you want to let into your home, or your neighbor's.
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Postby JohnnyBoii » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:46 am

So, if you are in an airsoft club you can buy an airsoft replica if you are a minor? or you still have to be over 18?
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Postby Snowman » Fri Nov 04, 2011 12:57 am

Nark wrote:No. You are not a nerd for liking a tv series. YES. You are a nerd for liking anime. Before you go insulting someone older than you realize that they are an educated adult.

LOL, just because someone is legally of age doesn't mean they're an "adult".

Attend a training session with one of the older teams, IF they will have you since most probably do not allow under 18 because of their lack of understanding, their tenedency to get butthurt when someone yells at them for making the same mistake over and over and because of the liability they pose if they fall and get hurt.
RoBiNhOoD wrote:I apologize for the spelling. I just happened to be on my i-touch.

Now i beg upon you; please don't ban this sport for me. I love airsoft, and it is my favorite hobby. It isn't fair i should give it up, because idiots are irresponsible with their replicas.

I love this sport, and i should have the right to play it too.

Like mcnair said, life isn't fair and the many do get judged by the actions of a few. Live with it and be patient because a time will come where the many get judged by your actions and it will be up to you to behave appropriately.

Airsoft is a game, bro. PSC is well-known for being 18+ on age limits, but even they made an exception for Limpy, who is 16, assumedly because he has demonstrated in the past that he is capable of acting maturely, moreso than some people who are legally of age (I can't call them adults).

Is life fair? No. Is airsoft life? No, it's a game. As a game, it has rules, and it has variations. This entire topic and all solutions discussed in it are 100% hypothetical. Until our brilliant government deems minors legally unable to play the game, minors will be involved one way or another. You don't like it? Cool, host your own game and make it 18+ so you can go buttsecks each other without worrying about one of us coming in and interwebbing you.

Stupid people are stupid people. Doesn't matter how old they are, as shown by several threads on AP over the last week or so.
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Postby The Tedi Way » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:17 am

Nasty wrote:That doesn't apply to just Scotland, it applies to the entire UK. And, funny enough, that government regulation has helped the sport, specifically fields, over there thrive and have kept the number of unfortunate occurrences (such as kids doing dumb shit with airsoft guns) very low.

I'd take UK-style airsoft regulation with absolutely no problem, because that means more fields for us, as well as generally more responsible players.

You are quite right about the sport in the UK. The regulation has really created a hardcore group that is hard to get into if you are/act like a flake. The problem occurs when the majority decides that they don't want to put up with airsoft at all, because airsofters are, and probably will always be, a very small minority, and then you end up in a situation like Australia. Also, airsoft freedom in the UK is not a given(http://www.ukapu.org.uk/wordpress/?p=566) I would rather put up with freedom even if it means my neighbor is free too.

JohnnyBoii, I am referring to the Violent Crime Reduction Bill of 2006 which is now an act of Parliament
Under 18? can't purchase. A registered member may theoretically "gift" you however.
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Postby thejerk211 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 1:35 am

Darius137 wrote:My biggest concern with minors is the camping aspect.

We all like to have a few drinks, stumble into a random tent, and hold people down and do things.

With adults, it's a simple crime, but when a child is involved, you have to join teh white supremacists in jail to stay alive. And I am too pretty for all those tattoos.

Yeah and whaling in jail is not the same thing.
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Postby VogonFord » Fri Nov 04, 2011 2:23 am

Nasty wrote:Unless you retards think that these 6 pages consist solely of you idiots arguing about anime and rambling on about random shit in an incredibly uneducated manner.


F*** anime, man. It's making these kids dumber every day. It's totally why the run in the streets with guns, too, they see their favorite characters and are all like, "YO DAWG, IF THEY CAN HAVE GUNS IN BLEACH I CAN HAVE GUNS IN CLASS!" and then society falls.

You stupid kids need to get a real hobby, like fantasy football.
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Postby Icepick » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:11 am

VogonFord wrote:
Nasty wrote:Unless you retards think that these 6 pages consist solely of you idiots arguing about anime and rambling on about random shit in an incredibly uneducated manner.

F*** anime, man. It's making these kids dumber every day. It's totally why the run in the streets with guns, too, they see their favorite characters and are all like, "YO DAWG, IF THEY CAN HAVE GUNS IN BLEACH I CAN HAVE GUNS IN CLASS!" and then society falls.

You stupid kids need to get a real hobby, like fantasy football.

The proper terminology is "F*** Weeaboos." As well as those shit tier animes designed for 12 year olds (Bleach, Naruto, etc.) I'm not a greasy haired anime-obsessive nerd just because I enjoy some anime. These are the things that give normal people who enjoy anime a bad rep. Cowboy Bebop was made in the 90's and is still considered the best today, with it's fantastic plot, characters, and best of all... The original soundtrack, which was brilliant. Nice try with that whole "LOL i secrit troll u" thing though. ;)

@ Nark: I'm pretty sure I didn't insult him, just asked him to use his head. By the way, thank you for the map. It's really nice!
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Postby Nark » Fri Nov 04, 2011 7:28 am

Nasty wrote:Nark, I understand that you may be 21, but you're acting like a f***ing 15 year old.

How the shazaam am I acting like a 15 yr old? Cause I'm opinionated about this?? Well then I guess you're right but if you wanna stick your head in the sand and just let everything go by as is and not throw your voice in the water cause you're scared of the reaction you will get then go right ahead.

Snowman wrote:
Nark wrote:No. You are not a nerd for liking a tv series. YES. You are a nerd for liking anime. Before you go insulting someone older than you realize that they are an educated adult.

LOL, just because someone is legally of age doesn't mean they're an "adult".

Yah it does. Maybe they're not responsible like most adults but once you turn 18 you are defined as an adult by your peers and the law. It doesn't mean however that they are responsible and act as an adult but it's like comparing apples and oranges.
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Postby Minerva » Fri Nov 04, 2011 9:59 am

F**k your anime? You can't tell me you didn't grow up watchin Batman and Pokemon or something.
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Postby ogrejager » Fri Nov 04, 2011 10:30 am

Wow. I just wasted 10 minutes of my day on this thread.

You know what I got out of it? That Ivan has a cool idea for a game.

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Postby thejerk211 » Fri Nov 04, 2011 11:15 am

VogonFord wrote:
Nasty wrote:Unless you retards think that these 6 pages consist solely of you idiots arguing about anime and rambling on about random shit in an incredibly uneducated manner.


F*** anime, man. It's making these kids dumber every day. It's totally why the run in the streets with guns, too, they see their favorite characters and are all like, "YO DAWG, IF THEY CAN HAVE GUNS IN BLEACH I CAN HAVE GUNS IN CLASS!" and then society falls.

You stupid kids need to get a real hobby, like fantasy football.

I bet this kid has never even had him self a little bit of the old in out in out. anime sucks a$$ and points out that you have no social skills. i bet you walk around the mall in that bleeding anime out fit shit that makes you look like a nerd. come to the game on the 19 ill point out every thing that is wrong with you and then you can go home and watch anime in your moms basement till you die at 40 from a jot pocket over dose. So not only are you young and none of us "old guys" want you on the field but your a dork. Ana none of you peers want to play with you too. life sucks for you I would start over.
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