On Hacking

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On Hacking

Postby Junto » Mon Jun 20, 2011 1:17 am

It's always been an issue at every airsoft game, no matter how big or small, when players believe they have hit someone and the person doesn't call it. I've been playing and admining for some time now and I've discovered a few things about hacking in airsoft that I've kept to myself. I was bored tonight and thought I'd share them.

1. The average player can't actually tell if they've hit someone unless the hit is called.

I've seen this in both indoor and outdoor play. A player, hopped up on adrenaline and put into a stress-inducing environment can grow very easily frustrated when things aren't going their way. Couple this with fogging lenses, vision-obscuring mesh, camouflage, and lighting conditions and there is very little way to prove in any concrete manner that the average douchebag hiding behind the tree or doorway opposite to yours isn't calling his hits. Sometimes you're close enough to know for sure, but, most of the time, your eyes will play in your favor.

2. Use your ears.

The sound of BBs is easy to keep track of, even in firefights or with an angry sewing machine close to your ears. Learn to identify the sound of BBs hitting foliage, trees, dirt, gear, and guns. It isn't hard to hear, even from distance, when someone's plate gets peppered with BBs. Your ears will rarely lie to you like your eyes.

3. Real hackers hack consistently.

This is my pet peeve when admining. You recieve a dozen complaints about a dozen different people not calling their hits and you can't verify any of it. Real hackers, not just people who didn't feel or hear the hit, get multiple complaints from several people. This makes it easy for admins to track that player down, honor check them (admins should always have a sidearm and a clear rule stating that their kills are just as valid as any player's, IMO), and single them out from the game population. If I think someone specific is hacking, I hold onto that suspicion and wait to hear if other players are griping about the same person before I go raising hell and getting angry.

4. Chill out.

It's a game. People have cheated at games since we invented them and this isn't any different. No amount of yelling, whining, or self-righteousness can make someone call a hit or put a stop to cheating. I've seen here on AP that real cheaters really don't prosper because, once they're identified, admins can keep an eye on them while the community basically ostracizes them. If you're working properly with a team or random group during the day, one hacker shouldn't be able to roll you all up and win for his team. If you shoot a guy, he shoots you, and you honor it (I like to honor my hits very loudly), the next several people you're with ought to have the wherewithal to turn and light the bastard up. Very few people will roll a whole line up in the middle of getting pelted by several people at once.
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Postby Mr. Technicality » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:59 am

Bravo! Couldn't have put it better myself.
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Postby Switchback » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:05 am

Nominate for sticky?
But then nobody will read it :(
Great work, Sir.
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Postby ZombieMan » Mon Jun 20, 2011 9:14 am

In complete agreement.
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Postby code789 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:25 pm

i agree
sticky pls
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Postby Darius137 » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:35 pm

One thing I'd add is that people have no idea how far their guns shoot.

At Lord of War 3 I was about 15 feet out of people's maximum range and reporting information into radios multiple times, usually up a hill with them shooting up.

I also had several instances where people would rush at me firing and by stopping and taking well aimed shots was able to shoot them first, despite no cover. If they had used their sights--and their sights were zeroed--then I would be dead for sure. In fact I felt guilty when they didn't hit me.
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Postby Junto » Mon Jun 20, 2011 2:54 pm

That's definitely true as well. I've had people tell me to call my hits on several occasions where I could see their rounds littering the ground 10 feet in front of me.
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Postby Geschutz » Mon Jun 20, 2011 3:36 pm

At games I have been hit and did not notice. luckly when that happens there is a team mate near me to let me know and I will call myself out. There have been games where I was hit by a small tree branch and thought it was a hit and still called myself out.

My thought about hacking is the face that it is not like you are no longer in the game....
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Postby quigly » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:04 pm

Another thing to add that geschutz reminded me of. Team mates need to be honorably and let their teammates know when they have been hit. I have seen many team mates ignore an obvious hit on the guy right in front of him, and then I let him know my self. The guy was cool about it and called an out. People need to realize that IS cheating still even if it doesn't hit you.
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Postby ZombieMan » Mon Jun 20, 2011 4:09 pm

There is something that helps me. I play to win and when some one starts cheating it gets to me for a bit. But really the points of the game don't matter what matters is having fun I tend to find humor in seeing BBs falling off of some guy as he is shooting.
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Postby McNair » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:11 pm

I did notice at one point early on Saturday, myself and another were exchanging rounds witch each other. I don't have my glasses so I just assume I'm not hitting them. However, I stopped to look to my left and at that moment watched a bb float toward me and hit me in the arm. I didn't even feel it or hear it. I just saw it. I was wearing a light rain coat. So I can understand how some people may believe they're hitting someone and by the time their rounds are reaching them, most of their energy is spent. I laughed and called myself out.
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Postby RBeran » Mon Jun 20, 2011 5:32 pm

A perfect example of not always being able to hear or feel if you are hit, and what to do...

Admining at LOW this weekend in the village, three Mehdi players sprint diagonally across to the side of the two story structure on the far corner...taking a few EDG rounds as they do. Two out of the three make it cleanly, the third turns to his team-mates and asks if he was hit. They do not know...he then turns and looks at me and my fellow admin to ask if we saw the hit...that is honor.

Had he not turned and asked, I would have called him out as he had been hit. The fact that he stopped to check shows a player with a conscience.

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Postby ScaredShooter » Fri Jun 24, 2011 1:41 pm

Sorry to post 4 days later..

Always good to hear cute stories about people being honorable with getting hit.

I agree with ZombieMan, it is hillarious when BBs are just bouncing off of someone and they think they're being sneaky. It's a good time to unload with tons of squad fire if it all possible and such.

I would like it if we could come up with a different name than hacking. Since nobody is writing computer code that allows them to not call their hits.
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Postby MetraDirty » Fri Jun 24, 2011 4:01 pm

And if you are capable of recognizing a person who has been playing with the community for years, don't bleeding yell at them to call their hit. There is a reason why this player has been around, he has displayed that he is capable of honor on the field.

Sadly, most noobs out there are incapable of such.
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Postby Catch22 » Tue Jul 05, 2011 12:09 am

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